WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

And? What evidence do you have to support the notion that the US was behind the Belgorod attack?

Why the hostility? I simply asked what sort of weapons were used in the “shelling.” There have been several insinuations made here that the attack was not carried out by Russian nationals, but not one shred of evidence has been provided to back that accusation up.

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Yes … We would kill them in their sleep.

The US supplies equipment and training to Ukrainian forces, and multiple reports show that the attackers used American armored vehicles.

The US bragged about “CIA-trained” paramilitaries in January 2022.

The idea that dozens of random guys launched an attack like this without at least tacit support from the US makes no sense. The most likely scenario is that the attack was organized and planned by western special forces and/or intel agencies.

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No hostility. Just a suggestion. Long day lots of crazy stuff going on. After i said it between meeting i thought it sounded a little tacky. Sorry.

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So … no evidence that directly implicates the US.

Information that would directly implicate the US would be highly classified.

Some of the documents related to the Bay of Pigs invasion were not released until 2011. If you can wait until 2073, maybe you will be able to get the full story about the Belgorod raid.

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How convenient for your conspiracy theory.

And enough of the Bay of Pigs. It has no relevance here.

I am not sure “conspiracy” because the deep seated global agenda is kind of high in EU and NATO block and othere western countries.

Who is to say the triple letter folks did not support it.

Or maybe it is a Ruskie false flag operation to esculate.

At any rate Samm, we will likely be excluded from the truth.

Either the westerners played Zskyy and Russia, or Zskyy played everyone, or (maybe You are right) that the scumbag Putin is a Neanderthal invader.

This is an EU problem, let them fund the war. We have no skin in this game.

I would have thought that the concept of isolationism as a means of avoiding involvement in foreign conflicts would have disappeared in the 1930s. But here we are, making the same old arguments that were made back then … to no avail.

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A restaurant owner and a bunch of convicts armed with shovels just beat the largest NATO-equipped army in Europe.

The recent raid into Russia is just an attempt to change the subject.

no, it was an attempt to make the Russians move troops to its border redploying them from the reserves in Ukraine. It worked.

They’ll likely do it again in another spot forcing Russia to redeploy other troops. When enough reserves have been redployed, they will attack where ever it is they plan to attack and likely take more territory back in a couple weeks than Russia did in the last 6 months

The governments in Kyiv and Washington both deny any responsibility for the raid.

If that is true, it means it was a terrorist attack. How did terrorists get so much NATO equipment?

Why is Ukraine allowing terrorists to operate out of its territory?

The spray paint on the truck door says “for Bakhmut”.

Bill, one man’s terrorist is another man’s frredom fighter.

The US supported Sheikh Usama Bin Laden during the Russian occupation until Bin Laden fought against the US after the Russian withdrawal.

War breeds alliances and dissolves alliances as the battlefield changes.

Thanks for posting those articles.

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I was OK with giving them a chance.

I am not OK for another never ending ground war.

You and General Millie are great strategists. :wink:

How is it like Gettysburg? What analogy do you see?

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The battle site itself is less important than the determination of both sides to hold that spot of ground.

The narrator of the video I posted pointed this out and I agree with it.

Do you think Russia stops the advance here, or do they spend another 8 months and 10,000 of lives trying to take some other small city?

Ah. Missed the video. Sorry. I’ll check it out.