WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

it was in the news last week, so yeah. i have. here it is in a nutshell

stop shooting
buy chinese

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If you look at this from Xi’s angle either way he wins. If a cease fire is called he is the great peace maker. Ukraine and Russia both rearm. If no ceasefire comes about, he blames the West as war mongers, continues to see the US and NATO deplete weapons stores. He can also say the West wants war and can openly aid Russia.


Russia threatens nuclear strikes, and Biden is the bad guy.

Truly, some folks live in the upside fown


The west is not going to deplete weapon stores. We have plenty and can build as much as we need. There will be no cease fire, Ukraine would never agree to it even if we wanted one. And openly arming Russia will do more damage to China than it will aid to Russia


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Too late.


Imagine two countries that felt so little threat from Russia during the Cold War that they did not join NATO, now feel “This guy is a threat beyond Ukraine” and have joined NATO.

Hell, Switzerland was neutral in WW2 and is now sending weapons to Ukraine.

Brandon stuck the US nose in. It’s none of US business.


Actually we are seeing a repeat of what happened in WW2, when countries like Sweden and Switzerland strongly tilted their neutrality towards Germany early in the war. They then tilted towards the Allies as it became clear who would win.

During the Cold War, the official position from Washington was that NATO was a strictly defensive, voluntary alliance of democratic countries. In contrast the Warsaw Pact was a non-voluntary alliance of satellite countries under the domination of Moscow.

Since the end of the Cold War, there is no Warsaw Pact to compare to. Washington has been free to use subversion, sanctions, intimidation, and actual attacks to keep Europe in line. Nice pipeline you got there; we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to it . . .

I suspect that a lot of the panic in Washington is related to concerns that elements of real freedom and democracy may return to Europe. If Russia wins in Ukraine, nations would have more alternatives to accepting total domination from Washington and NATO.

We can’t allow that!

China is in the catbird seat. Win-Win. 100% correct.

They have always been the global swing vote and this fact has been so poorly played by Biden.

. . . hysterical xenophobia – and fearmongering . . .
Biden slams Trump response to coronavirus epidemic: This is no time for “fearmongering” | The Hill

I really did nto think there was a need to discuss Swiss neutrality during WW2

Switzerland was the destination counties for

  • Jews fleeing Germany
  • anti-German resistance
  • Escaped POWs
  • downed allied air crews
  • etc.

Switzerland shootdown 11 German planes violating its airspace.
Switzerland mobilized its military and place dit along the German border to oppose possible anschluss invasion from Germany.

Yes, America’s Henry Ford was a fan Germany’s leader, and yes many Americans who were ethnic Germans fought for Germany. Are you going to try to portray the US as one of the Axis powers too? smh

Nearly ll of Russia’s neighbors, (Sweden Finland, Switzerland etc.) are on america’s side on this one.

Favoring the Russian side we have:

  • Iran
  • N Korea
  • China
  • People who hate America despite living here

I doubt that China will openly sell weapons to Russia. There is no need to make shipments public.

NATO is already running low on weapons and ammunition for Ukraine. China’s production capacity could be the nail in the coffin for NATO in the logistics war.

Did I hear someone say, “we will bury you”?

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Yes, Switzerland played both sides in the war for large profits, and it tilted towards the allies once it became clear they were going to win.

In the case of Sweden, they allowed German troops to move through the country to support the German invasion and occupation of Norway in 1940. Sweden did the same in 1941 to allow German troops to attack the Soviet Union via Finland. Sweden ended the policy in 1943 when it became clear that Germany was likely to lose.

  • People who are tire of getting involved in EU problems and bailing out bad actors with US blood.

Or . . .
In Switzerland like in the US there were PEOPLE who supported the Nazis and hated their own country, but the country as a whole and the government remained neutral.

sometimes it is not necessary to rewrite every ehistory of every country to fit a pre-concieved anti-american, pro-russian narrative.

Sometimes if you don’t re-invent all the facts you wind up with truth.

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Sometimes if you don’t re-invent all the facts you wind up with truth.

I agree. The problem is that the job of most western media is to re-invent all the facts to fit the current party line from Washington.

Their business model is to act as an infomercial for government and corporate interests.

Sometimes, when you find yourself on the same side as N Korea Iran and Russia, (with heavily controlled state medias no less)
and every free nation in the world
and every free press in the world opposes you,
sometimes that’s because you drank the kool aid.

Xi already called for a cease fire in his “peace plan” from last month. Putin doesnt want a cease fire because he wants more land from Ukraine. The problem is that if he waits until the late Spring and summer, Ukraine’s counteroffensive will likely begin and Russia could lose some or much of the land they have conquered.

Putin would probably be smart to try and push for a cease fire now…but he hasn’t been smart through this whole debacle.

More likely, he is going to wait for the results of the 2024 elections here in the U.S. If the appeasers gain power here, Ukraine is sunk.