WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

its going ell in the sense that whats happening there is exactly what ukraine intends to be happning there. huge russian losses and tying up huge numbers of russian troops. they are buying time and maximizing russian casualties all along the donbas front.

we’re not sending them 100’s. 31.

we should be sending them 100’s. we have 3700 in permanent storage costing us money collecting dust

Again…I have no problem with it. Cash up front.

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Everyone pro forever war is posting numbers different than what General Miley and the EU president Von Der Leyen posted about this horrible war in losses.

To them it’s just orcs dying daily by the thousands. Keep feeding the beast.

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you’ve already made it clear that its not about money, if it were, you’d be happy to give them away so they stop costing us money to sit in a warehouse.

nope, both sides have losses. right now, the russian losses are much higher

I’m not “pro forever war”.

And, as ever, if you must fuss at people, remember who invaded who.

Not according to General Miley or Von Der Leyen. Your probably not going to get and accurate number until the war if ever is over. Right now it’s a war of attrition. Zelensky wouldn’t be doing his military donation tour throughout Europe if things were going excellent. Why would they need more equipment if winning.

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I don’t believe in giving away anything for free.

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Remember when democrats where upset with Trump’s border wall cost of 21 billion to taxpayers to protect the southern border? We are good at protecting others borders.


That’s enough money to have housed every homeless person in America, all gone to corrupt government number 122 fighting corrupt government number 123 in a forever war, meaning the price will go way higher.

Borrow the money because we are broke from the CCP, then send it to the Ukraine :thinking:


There aren’t borrowing it from China anymore. The Fed is just adding zeros to the Treasury’s ledger with them (notionally printing it).


Honestly its hard to believe its about cost. I’ve said it before but very few blinked an eye at our enormous expenses militarily in foreign wars over the last 20 years. Again- this is about

1- Making sure Russia doesn’t see a greenlight to recreating the Soviet Empire.
2- Acting as a deterrent to any nuclear nation with ambitions to conquer nearby countries
3- Reducing Russia’s power to refocus towards Asia (Hello China/Taiwan)

Pay a little now or a hell of a lot later.

How, other than with ICBMs, would Russia exactly make us pay later?

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Yes, that is certainly true for civilians in eastern Ukraine who have been subjected to years of occupation and shelling by CIA-trained, NATO-equipped paramilitaries. According to third-party observers, the intensity of the shelling hit a peak on February 19, 2022; the “unprovoked” invasion a few days later is a false narrative.

Officials from the Observer Mission of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) were located in the vicinity at the time and kept a record of the shelling as it took place. What the OSCE discovered was that the bombardment dramatically intensified as the week went on until it reached a peak on February 19, when a total of 2,026 artillery strikes were recorded. Keep in mind, the Ukrainian Army was, in fact, shelling civilian areas along the Line of Contact that were occupied by other Ukrainians.

We want to emphasize that the officials from the OSCE were operating in their professional capacity gathering first-hand evidence of shelling in the area. What their data shows is that Ukrainian Forces were bombing and killing their own people. This has all been documented and has not been challenged.

Continuing to conquer neighboring countries according to Putins whim.

And the follow up question to that is- where is your line where it is unacceptable for a nuclear powered country to invade neighboring countries?

Inflation is a real problem. Consider how philosophies have evolved:

Senate Republican leader Edward Dirkson, 1960s:
A billion here, a billion there, soon we are talking real money.

President Biden 2023:
A trillion here, a trillion there, soon we are talking real money.


did i say they ere winning right now?


they are holding their own doing what they need to do to weather the russian offensive. and they need more equipment because they need offensive weapons if they are going to drive russia out of ukraine. air defense doesn’t work real well for that

of course not, you’d rather send good money after bad continuing to pay to store and maintain something we’ll never use.

you’ve already shown its not about the money.

rofl… ron paul