WAR in Ukraine, Putin approves initiation of special military operation (Part 2)

You know we aren’t giving them excess M1s. We are paying to have 31 brand new export version M1s made and then shipped to them.




Proven wrong you were.

Russian military budget 2022 $75B

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no, he’s an economics guy who owns a gaming company.

just watch the vid. the guy is very good and he doesn’t spout propaganda. his analysis are detailed, thorough, and pretty much unasailable

He’s an Australian gamer.

There are two parties to the pissing away of US tax dollars - neither of which are an Australian gamer.

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did i list tanks?

no, i didn’t.

not much i can do about brandon’s stupidity. the reason for his stupidity is the desire to slow walk everything to the point where its no longer needed

cool, don’t watch it and remain ignorant. no problem for me

not proven wrong on anything

I willfully remain ignorant of Australian gamers.

An absolute example of your confirmation bias. It is critprog level.


Yes, you were. Somebody claimed we were pissing away more than the entire Russian military budget. You D⁶ it.


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US buys a M55S tank from “X” country for less than 1M
Tank is shipped to Ukraine
Cost to replace 1 US tank= 10M

No, you referenced how it was cheaper to by a $ 1M M55 than by a brand new M1.

stay ignorant, no problem for me. Your low information standards are your problem.

and he’s still not a “gamer”. He’s an economics guy who owns a gaming company. You may actually agree with some of what he says, he’s not a fan of the MIC. He is very knowledgeable about how the money works though.

The guy is every bit as critical of Ukraine as he is about Russia… so sorry, no confirmation bias from him. His analysis are fact based and sourced. Probably the best out there.

but you do you.

From his mom’s basement in Perth. From whence his “facts”? The bleachers?


Prove it.

Of course he is.

You know what it takes to get an economics degree in the English system?

false. we aren’t pissing away anything. we’re demilitarizing an adversary at a discount rate.

how much aid has ukraine actually recieved to date? not pomised, actually received.

aid actually delivered



Guy Saying It Ain’t Enough

Useful idiots come in all stripes :ukraine:

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i wasn’t refering to the 31 M1’s’ I was refering to the actual M55s we bought for less than 1M each, dellvered to Ukraine and cost out at “replacement cost” in aid. 10M each.

you’ll note i did say all of that. which you conveniently tried to twist into something else in some silly “gotcha”. we value strikers at 4.8M in aid, but strikers are being decommisioned and will not be replaced. still we use “replacement cost” as the basis for the cost of the aid. artillery shells that will soon age out and be destroyed are costed at “replacement cost”. A cost we will incur regardless of whether e give them away or destroy them.

Maybe it’s you.

I ain’t trying to gotcha you. We are paying for all of it, nothing is free. And we have accelerated the replacement, at new cost, of our combat stores. Rationalizing is still just rationalizing. Now I need to go pull a few porcupine quills out of my finger.