Walmart says Biden helping supply chains

he took action in October.

Problem solved in November.

I know you don’t want to give him credit.


What did he do?

Link in post 26. :grinning:


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…they decided to do their jobs. Got it. One has to wonder how the back log ever happened in the first place when the answer was always right in front of their lazy ass face.

the Port of L.A. has agreed to begin operating 24/7. The Port of L.A. will join the Port of Long Beach, which has been running 24/7 for the past several weeks.

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And then get upset when I point out it’s propaganda. Walmart better put in some latte machines since the left loves them now.

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One of the problems not being addressed is the trailers they use in the shipping yards to move containers off of ships. Just the chassis and wheels they use locally. Thousands of them sit idle in shipping yards because companies don’t share them. Each individual shipping company owns their own trailers (I think they call them trucks actually) and they keep them at the yards and nobody else can use them. They only get used when that company has containers under the cranes being offloaded. They could unload ships a lot faster if they rented them out to each other or the yards provided their own or something. If the yards had enough room to store the containers temporarily lol.

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Again, ports aren’t the bottleneck, trucks and containers are.

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No i speak for our consumer culture.

I can tell you plainly that I’ve not purchased anything from Walmart in years. Long ago I recognized how they’d become the biggest peddler of Chinese goods in the country and recognized how it was hurting our economy and stopped patronizing them. I’ve never bought anything from Amazon due to the destruction they’re doing to “mom and pop” stores, who in turn keep the local economic chain going for everyone. Amazon is a economic nemesis to all of us but so many are blind to this truth. I vote what I believe with my dollars and neither Walmart or Amazon get my vote.

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It’s nice but it’s irrelevant for no other reason than the fact that you are typing this on some sort of a device which at least in part was made in China.

Even the guy trying to sell made in America phones couldn’t do it without using a Chinese product.

No doubt but I check every label before I buy it and if it’s made in China…I don’t buy it unless there’s no other choice…like my i-Phone but…it’s a 5 so they haven’t gotten anymore of my $ in years. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

yeah, unions were the problem. unions are a problem

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So we should probably offer some sort of incentive to bring such manufacturing home. If covid taught us anything it should be not to rely on distant supply chains for vital goods.

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…like the lack of computer chips made outside the US that has almost shut down our automobile manufacturing entirely.

And those aren’t even particularly hard chips to make. Mostly small die stuff. And while it’s bad for the auto industry right now, think how it would effect our readiness or ability to fight a war.

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A little arm twisting by POTUS did the trick.
