Walmart says Biden helping supply chains

hahaha… gawd. we dont hate walmart now

You…speak for yourself.

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This story checks out Joe was seen personally loading and moving wal-mart supplies at one of the national headquarters. His past semi driving experience he has talked about helped that day for wal-mart. Thanks Joe!! :+1:


I thought the left was anti-walmart because their employees also get food assistance.

Oh wait, their CEO said something nice about Biden so they are now all good…

So, what did Biden do to increase trucking capacity?

I seem to remember our friends on the left saying that a shortage of truck drivers was a cause of the supply chain issues and causing the backup at the ports.

So, what did Biden do to magically make trucks appear??

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The guy in charge of moving the cargo off the ships in LA and Long Beach said that the bottle-neck was the limited space that they had to store the containers until they could get loaded on trucks or rail cars.
He said that they had been able to decrease the time it took to inventory and process the paperwork to move the cargo.

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Ok sounds good, doesn’t really answer my question though. What did the Biden administration do to decrease the time it takes to inventory and process?
I assumed it is all mostly computerized using handheld scanners etc.

The guy who was interviewed said that the extra hours the unions were putting in did help. He was not clear on what they did to make the process faster.

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I knew about that, but, as you said, has nothing to do with making the process faster.

From listening to the guy who runs the operation I got the impression that it was a combination of things that made it all run better. However my research did not turn up anything in particular that the administration or others did to make it happen. It appears that things are moving and the number of ships waiting to unload has diminished significantly. From what I have read, this is perhaps a one time deal because a whole bunch of folks turned the supply chain back on at the same time.

24 hour ops is a good thing. why wasn’t it done before? i’m guessing union opposed it. could be wrong, but thats my guess. walmart otoh is a different story. they lease the entire port of savanah and freight has not been a problem at any point. getting people to move it onto the shelf is.

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That’s about what I thought. Not a slam or anything, wondering if someone “in house” came up with something to speed up the process, or maybe a software change.

I honestly thought those ports already ran 24 hrs, was surprised to find out they weren’t.

A lot of folks don’t want to pay the extra money it takes to have union labor work a swing or graveyard shifts.
I have worked with union folks in my industry and at trade shows. And while they are skilled folks when break or lunch time happens the work stops. Even if you are right in the middle of something important.

Gave the union guys some ot, and they are on board.

Greased the wheels of the operation, so to speak.


Some unions operate like that, my union, I work though lunch and breaks to get the job done as do most of my fellow workers.

It is amazing when workers are given free reign to operate their shop as they see fit.

Management is hands off where I work.


Never should have got so bad. Still bad with 60 ships waiting.

Brandon supporters are cool with making a problem and then back slapping when they unbreak it.

Another little taste of China Commie Crunch for us.

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Biden (correction) didn’t cause the problem.

he solved it.


Every one of his China first energy decisions and wanton spending spree has led to this.

You might not see the CCP moving the puppet…does not mean the rest of us are missing it.

America First is an actual policy…Build back ■■■■■■■■ is not.

When are we getting that Covid plan Biden promised…his pile of bodies is deeper than Trumps now.

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If I were king, I’d have unloaded those ships and then stacked the cargo containers along the southern border killing two birds with one stone. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


I like it.

We need to be hyperfocused on domestic goods production so we are not at the mercy of global production for the next pandemic emergency.

Instead Brandon is running up inflation with debt and appeasing China who has paid off his family.

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he solved it? thats funny.