Walmart says Biden helping supply chains

Amid ongoing concerns about the U.S. supply chain, one major CEO is giving President Joe Biden props for his handling of the problem.

Speaking to MSNBC on Monday, Walmart CEO Doug McMillion praised the Biden administration’s actions and noted that they are having a noticeable impact. He singled out the deal brokered to keep major ports open 24 hours a day as helping move containers of cargo at a quicker rate.

“The combination of private enterprise and government working together has been really successful,” McMillon said. “We’ve had a lot of participation, been able to participate in solving some of these congestion issues, so I would like to give the administration credit for helping do things like get the ports open 24 hours a day, to open up some of the trucking lines…and then all the way through the supply chain there’s been a lot of innovation.”

Good news…things are getting better…

Yay Biden?


That’s good

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Corporations will kiss whoever is in power’s asses.

Plus the bottleneck is trucks, not ports which is alluded to in the article.

Not always.

I don’t think he intended that to go public.

So Brandon is helping the supply chains from the source that created this virus and set it upon the world, to get their manufacturing and economy back in order? K…good news.

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Even communist socialism neo Marxist ass? Seems counter productive.

Guy said something nice about dems. Reason could only be … not because something possibly good was done.

See corps operate in and with China for your answer.

Yes we are the biggest consumers of the virus producer. So Brandon is not a socialism commie?

Well we are not in China

(Yet? Snicker)

You probably consume far more Chinese proaganda then you realize.

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I am sure.

Do you?

Down to 61 ships. That is good progress.

Well I guess there’s going to be a call to boycott Wallyworld coming up…lol

Sorry folks, park’s closed. The moose out front should have told you.

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It’s crazy how every piece of good news is explained away and dismissed, and every piece of bad news is entirely Biden’s fault


Good news.

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I agree. Allowing docks to stay open seems like a good thing, assuming the bottleneck in the supply chain problem isn’t somewhere else. It seems like an obvious step, but considering the mess the administration has made everywhere else, grant them this.