Walkaway campaign is a refreshing alternative to the democrat rope-a-dope nonsense

Do you vote the way your parents did?

I don’t

yeah baby!

now if you compose any point that would be grand

but you dont have to because RACIST huh?

Why, yes. It does.


No it really doesnt in the slightest. He isnt talking about historical trends he’s talking about an entire race of people being unable to think for themselves

Black people don’t need to “wake up” to vote republican. We are very much awake.

My Grandpa was a republican and he died a Democrat. This was a man who lived through Jim Crow.

He wasn’t stupid and he switched parties when the parties switched ideology.


In the beginning, yes.

When I became more aware it was more of a choice of what is best for my country and fellow Americans than about me.

“you aint black”


yeah… condescension

sorry save it for someone stupid

Then why are you making an assumption that other people are simply voting the way they are because their parents did?

Why aren’t you giving them the benefit of the doubt?

It’s hard to create an argument against

“Black people don’t vote in their best interests”

It should be on Republicans to put forth policies that black people can get behind. They’ve had 50 or so years to do so. Nothing has changed. Why?


I think a lot of people are waking up to what the democrat party stands for.

The ideologies that the democrats are displaying today are no where what they used to stand for .

you keep reposting this as though it’s a problem, but you havent disputed it at all

you hoping someone does it for you?

Lol what?

How is “you ain’t black” any more condescending than “black people can‘t realize they are tools”?


How does saying blacks can’t think for them not involve race? That makes absolutely no sense

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So, you really can’t see that handwaving away agency for Black persons as Black persons is pretty damned…ah, nevermind.

I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.

That’s not what I read.

I read you as saying blacks are voting the way they did because that’s what their parents did.

the policies are:

work hard
dont blame whitey
dont be a victim
get educated


vs democrats

blame slavery
expect reparations
blame racism
get on welfare

which works best?

Maybe because the party sees us as Americans first. That is something you can get behind or not.