Voting by mail or online, why not?

And anyone with even a slight knowledge of electoral politics knows that no one has pushed mail in voting harder than Republicans who were all for it up until (checks notes) like three months ago when they thought it might suppress the vote during a pandemic.

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Man I’m prescient.

Was my simple question too tough?

Trump even admitted it on Twitter.

I personally believe ALL Trump supporters who have pledged to vote for him in 2020 should spread the word far and wide that mail in voting is ripe with fraud. Decrease the number of his voters that are willing to take this option. Let his opponents wipe the table with him in this method of voting. Increase the opposition turnout and depress Trump’s turnout. This is a brilliant strategy!

Depends on where you are. Is it reasonable that some people must stand in line for hours to vote??

So you would promote the potential for voter fraud instead of presenting yourself, your picture ID and honestly casting a vote? Why would you do that?

Way to disenfranchise my Mom and millions of older folks like her. :us:

The system should allow for enough workers to insure voting being done in a timely manner. IMO a half hour is not too much to ask? If it’s over that, then the system isn’t being managed properly. All of this can be done ahead of time. There’s no reason anyone should have to wait for “hours to vote” unless those in charge are incompetent?

I’m still waiting on my simple question to be answered. Apparently it was too tough for you. Hence the deflection and punt.

So your mother has a doctor’s excuse, professionally confirming her not being physically capable of voting? She’d be an exception and should be allowed to cast her vote by mail.

Because it isn’t ripe with voter fraud. Obviously. We have several states that have been doing vote-by-mail for years and years and years. They’re proof positive that it works and that there is not rampant voter fraud.

When you’ve lost it…you go into “tail chasing mode” like you’re doing once again.

Deflection noted and discarded. Bring on the sheep noises.

It doesn’t minimize the potential for voter fraud. There may be some places like in Utah or Wyoming where the traveling distance is so great, it then becomes a deterrent to physically voting and in such an instance, if it’s determined by all sides that this is the case, then a vote by mail is warranted. When this isn’t the case, physically presenting yourself, your picture ID is the system that promotes an honest election and all of us should be united in desiring this goal?

Isn’t voting by mail fraught with fraud?

She had a doctor confirm she was physically incapable. That’s why.

You keep saying voter fraud is not minimized through mail-in-voting, but you can’t give any examples of the rampant fraud that takes place through this method in the several states that use this option. If you could, you would. That tells me vote-by-mail doesn’t have the voter fraud you feel it has. I choose evidence over emotion. Facts over feelings. This is what thinking for yourself accomplishes. Stop feeding from the trough.

Do you remember when you wanted to apply “logic”? Now answer the question I posed to you. Which system has the least potential for fraud?

Perhaps the doctor’s letter is fraudulent. Who’s going to check that?