Virtually every aspect of Trumps life is now under investigation

That’s nobody’s business…

but the Turks.

I think Fat Donald is about to get some crash courses in how and what our justice system is all about.

Of course he is totally innocent of any wrongdoing, ever, EVER!!!


By the time Mueller and the Democrat House are done with him he will be the best vetted person in America.

He no doubt will be shown to be the most squeaky clean President we have ever had.


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This right here is just further proof of why it is a necessity for our politicians to be properly vetted BEFORE they take office. Hopefully this will be a cautionary tale for the future, that when our elected officials are not properly vetted beforehand, they can end up going down as the most corrupt people to ever hold office. There is a reason why Trump was resistant to being vetted ahead of time. He knew this criminality would be exposed. What he never counted on was accidentally winning.


Yep. Crazy people are dangerous. He is wise.


What is Tough guy Trump scared of? He has the best brain and hires the best people… why would he be scared of an elderly congresswoman?

He is scared of a liberal snowflake? Say it isn’t so

It wasn’t Donald Trump’s fault that he won the presidency. Americans considered him the best candidate for this job, and they are right. The economy is in good condition. Wages rose. The wall is under construction. ISIS fails. We can again say “Merry Christmas.” Who cares if any election crimes were committed? People may have done this all the time. He didn’t even want to win! The American people did this to us. Should Donald apologize for the victory? He does not apologize for anything.

Yes, that’s exactly what it demonstrates, rather than the much simpler explanation that Trump is just shady as ■■■■■

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Wary… like when you find someone frothing at the mouth and babbling incoherently. Wary…

But you call it scared if you vocabulary does not include “wary”.

If there are crimes to prosecute the law would be on his side. There would be nothing waters et al. Could do about it.

You take a break from the forum? Haven’t seen you in a week or two.

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Got some much needed family time in. :slight_smile:

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You sound like a genuine king.


I’m loving the schadenfreude watching trumpsters follow Alice further down the hole. It’s nearly as satisfying as watching refs blow calls against the Steelers. Nearly.


Good for you.

It’s probably not worth the effort to catch up on the posting. There’s an awful lot that that’s happened in the last couple of weeks. Big time infrastructure stuff. I’ll try to recap it for you.

Michael Cohen got sentenced to 3 years or so. Don’t worry. It was a setup. Besides, he wasn’t sentenced for campaign violations, which he actually was, but in CEC world we prefer to believe he wasn’t. So, there’s that.

Michael Flynn pleading documents got filed. Don’t worry. It was a setup. He was really skillful at lying to the FBI agents. They called it out and reported that while they knew he was lying, he was really believable when he was lying. Here in CEC world, we’ve decided to believe that being believable while telling lies means he was telling the truth.

Maria Butina pleaded guilty to spying. Don’t worry. It was a setup. Besides, she wasn’t spying. She was only setting up secret backchannels between the NRA, the Republican Party, and the government of Vladimir Putin, including reference to the fact that Putin and his foreign minister were very happy with the outcome. Here in CEC world, we choose to believe that is not spying and will get quite upset if anyone calls it “spying.” It’s not, because she didn’t steal any classified information which is the only definition of spying. So, no spying. Not a spy.

In a shocking move, Saturday Night Live made fun of the President. Don’t worry. It was a setup. The President will have this handled in the courts. Here in CEC world we have not yet decided whether to just go with “that’s a good thing” or “the President is joking.” We’ll let you know.

The Dow Jones average.

There was a lot more, but this is the basics.

Welcome back.


I don’t have royalty in my blood, but if you go back a few generations, I can find a guy who almost played for the Yankees. That’s as close to royalty as a New Yorker like me can get.

And it’s only Monday.

Tomorrow is sentencing day for Mikey.

Also, being the week before everyone takes off for the holidays, I expect Mueller’s office will be quite busy.

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Wow…thanks for the recap! Looks like me and my fellow DEEP STATE alumni were busy, busy over the last week or two.


I would love it if legitimate Special Counsel Robert Mueller would be able to drop some legitimate indictments, this Friday, against Jared and Ivanka.

That sure would be a GREAT Christmas present for me and my wife and some of my family!

and ruin the new year birthday present? Kushner birthday is jan 10

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