Virginia Governor Race

Voters have always been subject to changing their support based on new information about a candidate’s stances and conduct. Elections are essentially a popularity contest.

If a candidate a big enough mistake (say expressing that parent’s should not be able to influence the content of what their children are being taught in the school they pay for) public opinion (voter support) will swing away from them. Elections can be for a popular candidate, or for anyone but a specific candidate.

Oh no a fire alarm. Everyone out except hardcore dems with boxes of votes under the table.



I do think that early mail in votes are the only ballots that could be changed. An early vote in person could not be identified to be changed.

Voters display a change of heart after new information enters the election in one of 2 ways. Some will switch their support, others will be disheartened and just stay home rather than vote. A dedicated member of the party probably won’t switch sides, but they might stay home in disgust over the new information about their party’s candidate.

Biden is losing momentum, advantage GOP

I say Youngkin pulls this off

you can already do it in several states. the security envelope is not opened until election night.

Zantax said: “You really should be able to change your vote as long as you do it by election day.”

The assumption being that the statement was about mail in votes, it may be possible for mail in votes in some states. For manually cast ballots, not so much.

In my state election officials start processing mail in ballots up to 7 days prior to election day. Once the initial security procedures are done the ballot may be separated from the inner security envelope for secure storage.


Didn’t say I had worked out all the details.

Oh and this taking several days or weeks to find out who won, not ideal for voter confidence in the process.



shutting down polls at 2 am. ■■■■■■■■

has fox news called the race for mcauliffe yet? just wondering. chrissy wallace is prob getting antsy

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No doubt the dimocrats will cheat for a mcaulife “win”.

mcauliffe made it clear last night what the dimocrats objective here is. He said " we’re gonna put a stop to donald trump’s plans in 2022 and 2024 right here in Virginia."

He also invited the head of the national teacher’s union, randi winegarten in so they can claim after that “the voters have spoken, and they want crt taught in schools.”

And finally, once mcauliffe is declared the winner you’ll see a tremendous push by the lib media for the dimocrats to pass the biden agenda.

It’s all they’ve ever wanted. How can they pass this up?


That’s why McAuliffe hired this turd.


The only reason that it “takes days or weeks” was because some states had antiquated laws that forbid them from processing absentee ballots until election day. Well on election day the manpower was needed to process in-person voting so absentee envelopes were processed late.

Virginia used to be one of those states, but the legislature changed the law so that security processing can now start 7-days before election. Once the security processing is done and the ballots prepped, the actual counting goes much quicker since it is just running them through the tabulation machines.


That’s nice, however or whoever is causing it needs to stop, as I said.

Agree, I always thought that laws restricting security processing of absentee ballots was kind of dumb. When handling absentee ballots the time consuming part is dealing with the security procedures for the outer envelopes. Once that is done they are stacked and run through tabulation machines just like other ballots for the most part.


Between the two polls highlighted in blue is when paid Democrats pretended to be white supremacists in order to smear the Republican.

There is no gutter they won’t roll around in if it gives them an edge. :man_shrugging:


yeah they are real bastards

what cracks me up is that they’ll play these kinds of dirty games, but no one thinks they’ll cheat their asses right off


Setting up the excuses early… tsk tsk

just observing and predicting the pattern

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