Virginia declares state of emergency over 2nd amendment rally at the capitol

I guess my guess was right. No proof.

Yep. You haven’t proved a thing.

I never attempted to prove anything. You made a statement.

I guessed you had no proof of this statement. It appears you don’t. Without proof the statement implying the governor being partly responsible for the threat lacks credibility.


Bring on the boogaloo

Governor Blackface vs the Neo-Nazis. Sounds like a low budget indie horror film.


So question.

For 75ish years, does the above premise means we were not violating the rights of black people?

After all, it was either upheld or not taken up by the higher courts that whole time.


I posted this earlier but you obviously didn’t see it:

[Matt Howell, Former federal prosecutor; criminal defense attorney; civil litigator

Answered Aug 26, 2015

As Clif Gilley states, when the Supreme Court denies review, the ruling from the lower court remains in effect and will govern the parties to that case. Thus, in the same-sex marriage cases that were denied certiorari in October 2014 (all of which affirmed the right to same-sex marriage), in each of those circuits, all states had to recognize same-sex marriage even before the Supreme Court decided the case in June 2015.

It is important to understand that the supreme court’s denial of review is not an endorsement of the lower court’s decision. It is simply a refusal to consider the issue for the time being but reserving the right to review the issue in the future.


Maybe Gov “Babykiller” Blackface Northam needs Guns for something.

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FBI has arrested 6 people so far who were going to attend this event and planned to murder counter protesters


Have they started arresting Antifa yet?


But now it seems you’re just throwing “maybe’s” out there for the sake of deflection without having any real cause.

As I said, stalemate.

Or maybe I’m being sarcastic, when I know full well the entire thing is a setup.

You mean suspects.


You’ve got no proof to back up your statement, and I’ve got no proof that you do or don’t have proof to back up you statement.

Fun game.

Carry on.

Edit to add:


Cheers gang. It’s been fun.

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But I’m still not getting the “state of emergency.” It appears that the FBI have the situation well under control. Why is the Governor panicking?

You need to learn when to quit the game.

Quitting is for alcoholics and gamblers.

Damn right we do.


I saw nothing of the sort in SB 16.

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