Video Games (what are you playing)

I never realized just how inept I was at RTS until I tried playing online. Turns out, you can’t actually turtle for hours to build a massive invasion force against human intelligence.


That’s a good way to get stomped by a small army of drones.


Getting Zergling rushed your first time is like a horrifying way of losing your virginity in StarCraft.


StarCraft 2 multiplayer was a blast but i could never get out of silver. Anytime i would get into gold i would immediately get destroyed.

Hear him!! :rofl:


It’s always guys named Cho.

Legend has it that you must defeat a Korean girl’s father in StarCraft in order to date her.

The Terran theme song is literally their national anthem. They invented the Marine-Medic Micro strategy.

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That is until League came in the picture and replaced Star Craft as South Koreas national game.

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I ended up picking one up at Sam’s. I had the spec sheet somewhere. Must have deleted it. Very similar to this if not the same. He’s happy with it. I don’t like windows 11.

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Helldivers 2. Looks good, gonna try it out this weekend.

My son loves sea of thieves. I get tired of their emails.

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Has anybody here ever played Eve?

I don’t see myself playing it but reading eh war stories about what happens in the game is fascinating?

Was just wondering how the gameplay is.

Lost EVE, EVE Online, Story of Eve (woof! lol), Eve of Destruction, Eve of Souls, Eve of Calamity?

Sorry Eve online.

That’s a lot of Eves!

It appears to be “free” to play, but with the amount of things to purchase, it may be a pay-to-win kind of game. Free is almost always worth a shot though!


Never played Eve but free download nothing to lose.

I am still spreading managed democracy by killing bugs and robots across the galaxy as a helldiver. This is a great game and well worth its $40. It has been a surprise hit for the developers so hoping tons of QOL updates follow in next year or so.

Bethesda needs to pull its finger out and update Starfield. Brilliant game but my god some QOL updates are badly needed. But hey at least the updated photo mode last week. :roll_eyes:.


You know what to do, Rico!!


I’m from Bueno Aires and I say kill ‘em all!


The only good bug is a dead bug.


I’m sorry but I find the idea of a bug that can think offensive.

Every line in that movie is quotable.


LOL. Very true.