Vaccine Passports. Are you for or against them?

Too bad for you.

The rest of us will enjoy our liberty.

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…or even to waste my time…with absurdity.

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Since this is an airborne illness, the issue isn’t you deciding to risk you getting sick…the issue is you deciding to potentially get OTHERS sick.

Bars don’t care if you want to take risks. Bars worry that your risk taking will get their staff and other customers sick.

(Royal you…no you.)

What you are saying makes sense for things like seat belts, where you are hurting yourself if you don’t use them. BUt not for acting responsibly in a pandemic. That is more about others than it is about your own tolerance for risk.

And Torey’s argument really is more about companies being able to safely maximize profits. If you can tell your staff with confidence that every diner in the place is vaccinated, you wil more easily be able to operate at max capacity.


Well, then we are already doing it! right?

A bar, or music venue could tomorrow say ‘no entry without a vac card…’

But of course the issue is, would be super easy to forge these cards. At least the one I have.

Why not have a verifiable form of ID that can’t be forged so companies - if they so choose - can prove their clients are all vaccinated?

otherwise, we’re truly sitting around waiting for herd immunity.

Let’s ge the party started…let’s get back into business sooner than that.

Is this an abortion thread?

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If a private company is worried about it then it can be up to them to require proof and I’m fine with that.

But to have a government mandate “passport” is too far


I just find it odd that just few short years ago libs here were against national ID…and now they’re giving goverment the back door to national ID.

If you’re scared of catching Covid…get a ■■■■■■■ shot.

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When your body is manufacturing a highly communicable disease the people have a right to mitigate that.

That has been true for like forever.

Now we don’t burn witches over it.

It’s a much nicer alternative

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That is not part of your liberty.

There is no right to be a disease vector.

There you go…problem solved.

Oh wait?

Now it’s back to national ID.

Just stop with BS.

It mean you have no ■■■■■■■ right to my body.

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If you’re scared…get the shot. It’s not my job to protect YOU.



My card has the vaccine given, when I got it, the lot # and where I got it.

That is information protected by HIPAA, no business can ask to see it legally unless they need that information to care for you medically.

If the CDC simply issued you a QR code, individually given to you, that notified whoever you offered this to that you were vaccinated, that would be all they need to know. Nothing more.

You are off the rails now.

At least use a more deadly disease for that theft of liberty.

You had cooperation for the corona…don’t forget that.

What BS?

I’m explaining why the carboard card that is easily forged doesn’t seem like a great solution to me.

It is in fact already a Federal vaccination passport - just not one of useful pedigree IMO.

I got the shot.

And this is where you are 100% wrong.

When it comes to highly communicable disease the idea that it is not my responsibility to not protect others around me is ludicrous.

It is insanity.

It is why we have had one of the worst responses in the world.

A bunch of selfish whiners who just can’t be bothered to be inconvenienced.

It used to not even be a question.

Is it any wonder why I have lost faith in people doing the right thing?

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Glad to see you on the pro choice side of the debate.

(And who in this thread was arguing for forced vaccinations?)

You never had that liberty in the first place

Never in the history of man has anyone had the right to be a disease vector.

Again what else do you need? Are you saying you now support a national ID? Because I know for a fact that many libs here were against it.