Utah legislature passes bill removing straight party vote

Have you voted for a lot of democrats?

Why not? Thats what I thought you originally meant. Why should the government be hiding infornation from voters right to vote based on whatever metric they want?

I’m a reformed democrate. Voted that way when I was much younger. I grew up in a mining town.

I have grown older and wiser.

That’s my approach too. If I’m not familiar, I don’t vote.

Good for you on that.

Of course, I oppose judicial elections of any sort and I particularly despise partisan judicial elections. There are so many factors that go into being a decent judge that the average lay person just doesn’t know and even the most conscientious voter who does his homework on the candidates is likely not going to have the complete picture.

For example, one guy who made it to the bench in Florida. While he was a competent attorney, he tended to have a very high pressure confrontational style. That led to an incident where he challenged an attorney to a fight in the hallways of the courthouse. He eventually resigned from the bench and went back to private practice in the wake of the incident.

Things like personal demeanor are something that the average voter probably won’t know.

Merit selection boards have the investigatory powers to dig into a candidates past and dig up things about their personal demeanor and can remove unsuitable candidates from further consideration.

But if there must be judicial elections, they should at least be non-partisan.

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Not knowing them i am afraid of voting for a bad judge so i just pass.

There is no justification to remove the candidate’s party affiliation if one needs to vote for each candidate individually.

I will cite one example that shows the folly of that assertion: did the people who voted for Mitt Romney in the Senate election know that he would vote guilty in the Senate impeachment trial of D Trump?