USGS is now saying a major eruption of Mt. Kileaua Imminent

Can you give some examples of this?


No, it says the USGS is warning that an eruption is imminent.

Santorini would be an excellent example, Krakatoa a very recent one.

I’m not predicting anything, I’m discussing the prediction made by the USGS.

Not my words.

Hawaii volcano eruption: Major explosions IMMINENT - USGS warns more to come

PAHOA, Hawaii — Frustration, anxiety and unpredictable 2,000-degree lava are taking their toll on volcano evacuees on Hawaii’s Big Island while they await an “imminent” eruption that could rain car-size boulders and ash onto this tropical paradise.

there is a scale that is used to rate the strength of volcanic eruptions. its called the VEI,the volcanic explosivity index

they have used it to rate kileauea’s eruptions over the past 12000 years

the strongest eruption was in 1790. that was rated a 4 of the scale
the 1924 eruption that they think this one could replicate was a 2

on that scale mt st helens was a 5
mt pinatubo in the Philippines in the early 90’s was a 6 as was krakatoa
tambora which wased the year without summer in 1815 was a 7
yellowstone was an 8

a 4 rated eruption occurs worldwide every few years

Not according to the USGS

It’s not so far from Honolulu to the island of Hawaii, even less so from Maui. Relief wouldn’t have to come from the West Coast.

Also, let’s not ignore the scope of relief efforts: Puerto Rico’s population is >3.3M, Hawaii’s is fewer than 200k.

Oh, and one of Hawaii’s two major airports is west of the volcano, and might well still be operational.

Not to mention, the major U.S. Naval presence, which will expedite any response.

So are you saying an eruption is imminent or just a possibility?


I can pretty much guarantee that trump won’t be accused of or guilty of being wasteful when it involves helping people in need.

Being more active volcano I highly doubt you will see that kind of pressure build up as we seen with Mt St Helen…or any other dormant volcano.

If you live on a volcanic island on top of a mantle plume, you should be prepared for the consequences.

Just as if you live downrange of Yellowstone, on top of another mantle plume.

If they go off, tough luck for you, nothing the government can do to stop it and very little the government can do to mitigate the consequences.

You don’t have to be living all that close to Yellowstone to be royally screwed if it blows in a major way.

from the USGS

Facts on the stability of Kilauea’s south flank, past and present.
May 14, 2018

There is no geologic evidence for past catastrophic collapses of Kīlauea Volcano that would lead to a major Pacific tsunami, and such an event is extremely unlikely in the future based on monitoring of surface deformation. Kīlauea tends to “slump”, which is a slower type of movement that is not associated with tsunamis, although localized tsunamis only affecting the island have been generated by strong earthquakes in the past.

Geologic history combined with models of south flank motion suggest that the likelihood of a catastrophic failure event is incredibly remote. There are certainly signs on the ocean floor for landslides from other volcanoes on the Island of Hawaii and from other islands, but none are associated with Kīlauea. In addition, Kīlauea has experienced much larger earthquakes and magmatic intrusions in the recent past. The large earthquakes of 1975 and 1868 were not associated with significant south flank landsliding, nor were major East Rift Zone intrusions in 1840 and 1924

What a petty, small-hearted thread.

An eruption is imminently possible or something like that.