USA setting records for new cases, meanwhile is Australia

Sadly, we have learned that without mandates mask usage decreases. I wish we didn’t have to enforce mandates and people would just do what is right but alas, that doesn’t seem to work.

“Try to cry into the camera to make it more news-worthy.”


Non sequitur.

Authoritarian High Modernism.

Ask, don’t tell.


Word salad.

How so? It does indeed follow that when you use authoritarianism, you are going to get non-compliance.

Not hardly.

Karen gotta Karen.

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That’s not what I learned.

To riff off a line by Edward II in “Braveheart” -
The trouble with Australia is it’s full of Aussies.

They picked a country of mostly white people so Republicans could relate.


I see. So it’s all about racism on Huffpost part.

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No. They’re reaching out to Republicans. Inclusion is a good thing.

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You or Sneaky can answer this.

Tell us why wouldn’t Republicans relate to a country of a non-white population?

Ever seen pictures of Trump rallies or boat parades?

No? Can you clarify what you are denying?


Good thing he didn’t win. Don’t you agree?

He did win.