US issues a red line warning to China

Nope. Not worth it

Joe ain’t offered ■■■■

This isn’t an answer to my question.

Name one person who has been locked away merely for protesting.

I’m not sure anyone has even been locked away for attempted insurrection.

They are locked away for other charges

sounded like the answer to me. My 2 cents.

Only if you go with a rather insane definition of “protesting” as “any action you take, while making a political statement, that doesn’t involve a firearm”.

Why do you love Russia so much?

Where do you get all these links?

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Seems like a double standard.


My guess is an actual Russian doing their “job”.

No it’s prosecutorial discretion.

The goal of propaganda isn’t always to prove a point or win people over to a certain way of thinking. Sometimes it’s to sow discord and division.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive.



Whether we agree or not, the target makes a difference.

In Portland it was a police station.

In Washington, it was the seat of Congress, while Congress was doing something pretty important.

We should take arguments over issues like J-6, the woman who was shot, the arrest of protestors, to other threads.

This one is about how wrong it is for America to oppose China’s contemplation of supporting Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukaraine.

We should stand united in pointing and laughing at the absurd Russia worship.

We can be divided over issues elsewhere. Let’s recognize this thread for what it is and laugh at it together.

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But yeah…. One was actually an insurrection. One was not.

If one is so is the other. the hair splitting is silly.

Neither were.

First thought that come to mind…why are we helping them expand EU?

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No it really isn’t.

One declared they were independent from the government.

The other did not.

Pretending a protest is insurrection is silly.

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D’oh. I was referencing the police station not that. Yes that is an actual insurrection.

:+1:. Yeah the Portland stuff didn’t meet the definition of an insurrection in my opinion.

Now we don’t have peace or prosperity but we do have a smart ass in the WH.

We have nastiness and none of the good things now.

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