US budget deficit jumps 23% through June

They will, you just have to wait a bit longer for the power of capitalism to be unleashed! :roll_eyes:

If it gets out of control, he’ll declare bankruptcy. He’s an expert on that.


No, it’s my money. I don’t have grandchildren.

They would if it wasn’t done through the magical trickle down falsehood.

Dumb Republicans failed to realize that giving the rich and corporations tax cuts just means they keep more money and the middle and lower class get nothing.

What effect has it had on you?

I got a tax cut. I’m keeping more of my money.

We know, you’ve stated this time and again.

Clearly you are not part of the middle or lower class that didn’t get a tax cut.

But hey, who gives a rats butt about them, right? As long as you and Epstein and Wilbur Ross and Mnunchin got theirs, all is good.

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Who was in that part? Everybody in both classes got a tax cut.

But hey, who gives a rats butt about them, right? As long as you and Epstein and Wilbur Ross and Mnunchin got theirs, all is good.

I didn’t get to keep my doctor or my plan and I didn’t save $2,500.

You got a tax cut too.

In September 2017, Mnuchin [said] that not only would the GOP’s tax plan “[pay for itself], but it will pay for the debt.” He also claimed it would “[cut down the deficits by a trillion dollars].”

Man, this elite, delusional piece of crap should be fired over this. What a pant load. How out of touch is he?

“There were [a handful of high-profile bonus and wage announcements after the tax bill was passed], but it’s not clear that tax cuts have delivered some major boon to the US labor force. The left-leaning Economic Policy Institute [recently estimated] that bonuses gave workers 2 cents more per hour over the past year.”

A whole 2 cents? Man, I wonder what workers did with that. Buy a house? A car? I bet corrupt out-of-touch Betsy DeVos bought another yacht with her tax cut.

When were our taxes cut?

Then you have no one to care about then. Enjoy the money!

A Pathetic show of conservatism and small government… Good job kids


Exactly their plan. And it was called out contemporaneously.

  1. Lie about the effect of the cuts on the deficit and the debt.

2 Then lie about the cause of the ballooning deficit/debt as an argument for reducing Medicare and social security and the like.



I am!

what the govt gives up, they can take away just as easily.


You know there is a sunset clause of the tax cuts, right @WuWei


Yep. “Your” money is only what others are willing to give you after the government has taken their cut. If people decide to pay less or the government takes more, it wasn’t “your” money to begin with.

That bomb dropped harder than the Hindenburg

The good old “I got mine” argument.

Funny that. Same one that’s bitching about deficit wants add trillions to it to buy votes.