US budget deficit jumps 23% through June

Exactly their plan. And it was called out contemporaneously.

  1. Lie about the effect of the cuts on the deficit and the debt.

2 Then lie about the cause of the ballooning deficit/debt as an argument for reducing Medicare and social security and the like.



I am!

what the govt gives up, they can take away just as easily.


You know there is a sunset clause of the tax cuts, right @WuWei


Yep. “Your” money is only what others are willing to give you after the government has taken their cut. If people decide to pay less or the government takes more, it wasn’t “your” money to begin with.

That bomb dropped harder than the Hindenburg

The good old “I got mine” argument.

Funny that. Same one that’s bitching about deficit wants add trillions to it to buy votes.

Trump already did that

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Meh…was just pointing out…that he’s not all that?

Just let it happen buddy…

The government doesn’t give me my money. I earn it.

Earned mine. Every penny of it and then some.

ah the trump taxes cuts gave you some of your tax money back.

it has a sunset clause.

they will take the rebate back when the law reverts.


I really miss the Tea Party patriots, they were the only real Americans who cared about our country’s financial health.


AND they said it couldnt be done

Fat donald running the US just like his Casinos…

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That’s great! People should earn their money.

That’s not going to fix the deficit explosion that lowering the tax rate created.You got about 20 years left, so enjoy your money.

like i said, he is keeping his campaign promise of running the gov like he ran his business.

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I’m not sure if we’re the Animal House generation or the Gordon Gekko generation. Probably a mixture of both.