US air strike targets Islamic state member

That is absolutely false.

Also false

The amount of stupidity constantly oozing from your keyboard into this forum is disgusting.


Absolutely can.

“Quote it”

“Anerican soldiers aren’t being killed.”

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Ultimately, these decisions rest with the competency and judgment of the President, don’t they? We’re not off to a very good start.

Baby killer. Creating more terrorists.

I don’t know if things have changed since the Vietnam War in the 70’s, but for my understanding, the U.S had strict rules of engagement.

My dad knew one Vietnam Veteran who would only tell his story and his inhibitions were lowered. He would tell it when they went out drinking.

He would operate tanks, and be ordered to bulldoze entire Vietnam villages. Go mow down one row of huts, and then back up on the other side. Just flatten them. And some of the villagers would run out, trying to get away, and soldiers would pick them off with shotguns. He said that if you entered someone’s hut, the head of the household (the father usually) would pick up a gun and start shooting at you. And if you killed him, his wife would pick up the gun and start shooting. And eventually, even a six-year-old kid, would pick up the gun, balance it on a tree or a counter or something, and start shooting at you.

He felt a lot of guilt about it, and was obviously traumatized, as would anyone. I’m still under the impression that the U.S. I used to be under the impression that the U.S. should not have interfered in Vietnam, but I’m not sure. Communism is a virus that steals from its populace and eventually kills them. Maybe it was necessary that we did interfere.

He felt a lot of guilt about it, as would anyone. I mean, being ordered to kill all those people

Obama does have one hell of a war record. A creamy massacre of an adventure. lol


All US presidents do is bomb civilians, eat hot chip, and lie.

Some do it better than others. :wink:

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You forgot “charge they phone.” :wink:


I’m skeptical.

Then don’t use it. :roll_eyes:

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I’m amazed :roll_eyes:

They’re holding down the the bomb button like its the space key in Morrowind.

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A badge of honor. I think not.

I do like the drone killing program.

Kill the terrorist over there
