Unmarried and childless politicians, a growing trend?

I still have an intense desire to get married.

Just trying to find the right woman is the difficult part of the equation.

You have been telling us, you personally as well as most right wingers on this forum ever, don’t have kids if you can’t afford it. Approximately one billion times in the years I’ve been here.

So we took your advice and the economy has sucked for the majority of the life of anyone under forty so we didn’t and aren’t having kids.

And now you’re mad.

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Tremendous vocabulary word in that context. Kudos to you on that!


I didn’t find the right girl until I was over 35. But I also assumed I would die alone as a serial bachelor. So there’s always hope. I’m pretty sure we’re waiting for her mom to die before we get married.

There is a right woman?

She’ll show up when you stop looking. Wu-Wei, go with the flow.


You’re short changing yourself in a big way. You’re actually prime real estate for millions of mature’ish 20 year olds looking for the long term win. Those chicks are most certainly out there and they’re not that hard to find. :wink:


Point to ponder:

First step is to make sure you are the right man.


Many (perhaps even most) millennials absolutely had parents whose marriage were some of the worst jokes ever told.

That is exactly what I did.

Like yourself I got married at a later age. I can tell you that it is definitely more difficult being an older father.

Every relationship I ever looked for ended in disaster.

I’ve been happily married ever since I stopped doing that to myself. lol

I thought that about you too. :wink:

Basically seems like it’s what viruses do. They make copies of themselves and infect other organisms to be able to make more copies of themselves.

I always try to explain this on here and no one believes me. Most millennial kids had divorced parents, remarriages, step-parents, half-siblings, step-siblings. Getting married two, three, four times.

But they never acted like it was a sincere lifetime commitment either, or a religious one. They acted like it was a convenient legal arrangement to be dropped at the first sign of trouble.

And they wonder why we wait until our last twenties, early thirties to even start thinking about marriage.

I am of the opinion that the world would be a much better place if breeding was more selective. It should be limited to a few groups:

50th percentile and above (G) - both of the only sexes


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And crits.

Maybe this thread got sidetracked.

Politicians. Childless, unmarried politicians.

How can such politicians ever say they can relate to the common voter?

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Lol that was just accurately reading the room.

Fungus would’ve been a more accurate analogy. You are, after all, more closely related to fungus than you are to plants.

Anywho, on the flip side of that, there are virii living all over inside your body from your booty all the way up to your brain that benefit you, daily, in essential ways. :wink: