UNHAPPY MEALS: Bernie Sets His Sights on McDonald’s, Demands $15 Hourly Wage | Sean Hannity

They don’t.

Helping poor people is a bad thing I guess.

Bull ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ That ass hat does not represent me.

You seem to misunderstand what a constituent is.




being a part of a whole.

“the constituent minerals of the rock”

synonyms: component, integral; More

being a voting member of a community or organization and having the power to appoint or elect.

About $0.10.

You didn’t answer my question.

Are the people you supervise making $60?

15 dollars an hour really isn’t enough to afford rent AND eat where I live. I suppose I should move someplace else, but I know I would take a paycut.

I think they are choosing these jobs because they did not prepare themselves for life. They did not develop any skills that are valuable to the market. Back in the day I ate ham and cheese sandwiches minus the ham while earning $5.50 making deliveries. I decided that rather than demand more money, I would work to obtain better job skills. Anyone who want’s to succeed must prepare for life. And nobody is going to want to pay 10 bucks for a Big Mac. If a McDonalds employee needs more money, he should go somewhere that pays more. Yes?

back in your day was like what? 1960 where 5.50 would be worth 46$ an hour.

There’s nothing wrong with workers fighting for better pay in their chosen job. Labor has an obligation to itself to fight for better pay and benefits no matter the occupation. Just as management has an obligation to keep the company solvent. So both sides find middle ground and negotiate.

There is a problem with the government forcing it, however.

min wage should be tied with inflation.

The issue is with inflation going up and wages still the same people are now dependent on the government to maintain their lives via social programs.


If anything wages should be tied to productivity of the company.

So basically a massive pay raise for most corporations?

The company I work for skyrocketed in value in the past five years. For the most part wages on lower level positions haven’t changed much.

If you were tie the wages to productivity in the company as a whole everyone would get a double sized pay raise over night.

I will make one comment here, I can never or will ever enter a Hate free zone because I Hate Evil.

Take a look at this article. The second graph showing real wages vs productivity is most interesting.

With automaton, companies can hire lower skilled, less valuable employees to do jobs that once required high skill. Machine shops can hire 1 skilled machinist to set up the tools and then hire many burger flippers to run them. Burger flippers can operate machines that make make computer chips. There are many workers that are low skill. Everyone starts at that point. High supply of low skill workers means they have low value in the job market.

Any ideas on how to change that other than some arbitrary min wage set by the government?

Tank you! You really think I’m that young?:wink:

Just how many who work at McDonalds are there as primary wage earners? Or heads of households? Or even full time?

McDonalds is a great place to START to get some experience. And I’d hate to see those starting opportunities decline when those employers are given more and more demands.

Moves cost; they aren’t free.

And some are at McD’s not because they didn’t “prepare for life”, but in between jobs following a lay off. Or as second job, or get out of the house following retirement jobs.

That said, I don’t think demanding a jump in wages for such a job—especially on a federal level—is reasonable.

What each state wants to do with its own wages suits me—raise their own minimum wages or not.

Probably more than we think.

Usually someone will work multiple full time jobs. My merchandiser has two full time jobs. She works full time for me; she gets in at 6:30am and gets gets off at 1:30 every day except monday. After that she sleeps for three hours and goes to a convenience store and works till about 12 to 2 at night. After that, some more sleep and comes back to my parts store.

How she does it I have no idea. But she’s raising four kids basically by herself so you got to do what you got to do.

Maybe in Canada!

What year was this?