Your chart is typical LIB propaganda. The U.S. will always recover from a recession. Presidents can only influence how quickly that recovery takes place. Obama’s recovery was the slowest on record.
And if you look closely at the chart, you will see it begin to flatten in 2016. The drop in 2017-2018 has nothing to do with Obama’s anti-business policies and everything to do with Trump’s pro growth policies.
Everything bad that happened in Obama’s 8 years was Bush’s fault and everything good that has and will happen in Trump’s presidency will be due to Obama’s policies - that are being systematically dismantled.
Actually, it is being played out right here in this thread. The silly chart was with accompanying comments was meant to portray exactly what I stated.
Obama is the anointed one. His administration was scandal free; everything bad that happened was Bush’s fault; his legacy was inherited by Trump and everything good that happens in Trump’s presidency will be due to Obama.
You make a good point. There are only so many people in the U.S. Once we reach full employment, there certainly will be less jobs created.
So by DEM standards, that must be a bad thing - in which case it is Trump’s fault; unless of course that is a good thing in which case Obama gets to take the credit.
I’m still having trouble keeping things straight in the LIB’s bizarro world.
Lap what up? I see libs here happy with every new great jobs report . That’s in stark contrast to the way right wingers, both in the media and politics and forum, reacted to Obama job reports.
I’ve been supportive of the jobs reports under Trump, even thanking Trump. Conservatives on this board never talked positively about the jobs reports under Obama. Under Trump similar reports are lauded. Very hypocritical.