Ukraine/Russia Peace Countdown

So I monitor the war in Ukraine very closely. It is something I care about a lot. Even before the full on invasion in 2022. The war that was going on in Donbas. I was tracking the transports flooding Ukraine with SAMs and ATGMs in the hours before the invasion and hoping to god that Russia wouldn’t do it but hoping the Ukrainians got as much as they could before Russia rolled in. Sad days. So Trump is president again starting Monday. He has said he will end the war in 24 hours. I’ll give him all of Tuesday. So I’m starting a clock on this. End time Wednesday business hours. So 8am Wednesday.

It’s Saturday at 12:20pm. War should end by Wednesday 8am. So we only have less than 92 hours before there’s peace in Ukraine. I look forward to this.

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Let’s hope.

pssst… The President is sworn in at noon

Yeah, I gave some additional time as a favor. :slight_smile:

Hold your breath…

noon on tuesday to 8 am wednesday is 20 hours

lol… my bad, its noon monday. so used to election stuff being tuesdays

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Was doing a countdown from today, but whatever. Ben, I know you care about this also. I want a real peace and I’m worried Trump doesn’t. We’ve talked about this where you think he’ll get them to the table and if Russia won’t he’ll flood Ukraine with weapons…I just don’t see it. I’ve never seen him actually do complex negotiations.

You do understand hyperbole, don’t you?

I don’t think anyone, including Trump, honestly believes the Ukraine/Russia conflict will be resolved by 8am Wednesday. :astonished:

If you are going to obsess over this stuff for the next 4 years god help you.

Hell, I might need to add a 3rd frothing camel just to keep up. :crazy_face:

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Three camels howling at the moon on a tshirt.


He says he can get a peace deal in 24 hours. Ukraine has asked for his plan. People take him seriously since he is soon to be the president. I’m not a fan of US policy being “Oh he says ■■■■■ He didn’t mean it.”

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What he says in public has nothing to do with what is taking place behind the scenes. That’s what really matters.

But by all means, you continue frothing.

Have you met Sammy?

.More evidence he is the cult’s leader, What a POTUS says in public matters. Or at least it used to matter. Will he be known as the “asterisk” POTUS?

He probably meant it, but he will fail. You don’t solve a complex as hell post Soviet war in 24 hours.

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I never said it didn’t. I simply argue that foreign policy isn’t conducted in public. It takes place behind closed doors.

When it comes to Trump, what he says in public can be taken with a grain of salt. I personally don’t pay much attention to it. I’m more interested in results. But it sure is fun to watch LIBs attempt to parse his every word. Frothing at the mouth becomes them. :rofl:

Do you have any actual interest in Ukraine? The war, what funding from US should be? NATO’s role? Parameters on any kind of peace deal? Donbas? Crimea? Kursk? Weapons supplied to Ukraine? Or do you just do camels? Sometimes you have to be an adult.

You weren’t discussing Ukraine when Sammy made his appearance. You were once again ranting about Trump’s behavior. :wink:

Your whole thread is premised on hyperbolic statements Trump made. So basically, your thread is nothing but a Trump bashing thread.

I’m looking for that third camel as we speak. I think I will call him George. I’m holding interviews and will introduce him to you when the time is right. :rofl:

It’s going to be long 4 years for libs.


Promises he makes on the campaign trail to get elected don’t matter?

Listening to a what a person says and holding them to it isn’t frothing.

Trump has stated this. I am trying to document it. I have my own personal views on Trump. Based on his rhetoric. I care deeply about Ukraine. I don’t think Trump does. He said he would end the war. Campaigned on it. He is president on Monday
I want to hear about this plan.

Patience is a virtue! :+1: