UK Home Secretary Plans to Deport Migrants to Rwanda

Refugess apply for asylum, and in general are given it.

Top facts from the latest statistics on refugees and people seeking asylum - Refugee Council.

Illegal aliens impose themselves first.

Yes, the analogy was a good one.

There is nothing illegal about claiming asylum

There is everything illegal about just showing up in your country without asking to enter first.

Completely untrue.

In fact, thanks to the Tories, that is the only way that most refugess can claim asylum in the UK.

Asylum from the dangers ā€¦ of FRANCE?

No, this isnā€™t asylum at this point. It is simple old illegal alien doings.

Screw them. I support shutting the doors and kicking the illegal aliens out.

The majority of applicants who cross the channel are given asylum.

The route they take isnt relevant under UK law.

But it is perfectly okay to take the route they take into consideration.

What you are intentionally neglecting is the Brits do in fact have the right to be asked BEFORE you show up on their beaches. And they have the right to start expecting to be asked first.

People donā€™t have the right to enter unless they ask, and if they ask and are denied they should accept that.

Of course the UK should decide their own laws, but I would definitely support it if their laws said
ā€œAn asylee coming here from France must prove they were in danger of torture or imprisonment by the French regime or he is committing an act of criminal fraud and as such will be subject to imprisonment followed by deportation.ā€

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They used to be able to do just that, apply from another country.

The Tories stopped that.

They engineered this issue.

The truth of this is the the biggest driver for brexit voters was immigration.

Not ā€œillegalā€ immigration but immigration in any form.

Brexit voters voted Tory because they delivered brexit and they expected immigration to fall.

But it hasnā€™t, its gone up.

And the Tories cant slow it down because thats the one thing driving the anemic econimic growth we have.

So they create the circumstances where desperate people are forced to make a dangerous journey, conflate asylum seekers with ā€œillegalā€ immigrants and try and act tough.

Just to keep peolple safe, of courseā€¦

Except it wont work.

Immigration will continue at record numbers and the Rwanda policy will never a meaningful drop in the channel crossings.

Maybe they didnā€™t want them?

They have the right to shut the door on people who are not in danger ā€¦ in France.

So why are 3/4s of the people who cross rhe channel given asylum?

I am british btw, in case that wasnt clear.

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Because people like you infest the government?

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We have had Tory govenrment for 13 years.

They are very much not like me.

Maybe elected types. But the bureaucrats?

The government determines asylum policy.

This is all on the Tories.

How much did immigration increase under Tony Blair-Gordon Brown of the Labour party 1997-2010.

ā€œUnder New Labour net migration to the United Kingdom quadrupled.ā€

ā€œDuring this period around 2.2 million immigrants entered the United Kingdom, the salience of the issue of immigration rose to one of the most prominent political issues in the country, and the impact of the net increase has changed the ethnic demography of the United Kingdom.ā€

I donā€™t blame people for voting leave.

Brexit will do nothing to lower immigration, numbers have gone up since we left.

It has just made us poorer.

I would imagine like here neither of the parties care about the average citizen. I am outsider but even I can read the opinion polls throughout the years from Britain on immigration and most people overwhelmingly wanted less immigration yet the politicians did the direct opposite.

I doubt Brexit would have even happened if it wasnā€™t for the backlash on immigration and it might not do anything on immigration like you said but the vote seemed to give the people and outlet for the politicians to hear them.

Thats an oversimplification

A lot of people care about immigration, some people care a lot, but there is no overall concensus one way or another.