Uh Oh. Democrat Liability Bankman Arrested

we wont and you dont want to

lol yeah. it’s a lie we want to really know what’s what.

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Well it seems I’m not only one that is saying they arrested him to silent him…someone or group of people didn’t want him talking to congress.


Talking to congress is a joke. If you want to find out what happened and levy punishment, you go to court

Sorry not buying it, someone wanted to silence him

$5.2 million talks.


he helped get his favorite democrat idiots elected. they’ll take care of him. plus they wont want to risk exposure.

such is the world now. it’s why crypto exists in the first place.

What specifically did he do wrong?

If I operate a a Hummel exchange the day Hummels are no longer popular,
what illegal thing did i do?

Actually they wanted him to just shut up about it. He has been giving interviews, incriminating himself, and others, on film. Everything he willingly says in a non-custodial interview can be used against him.


Yes, in Russia people who are perceived to be a threat to Putin have a nasty habit of “falling” out of windows from high-rise buildings.

For the US, people who threaten the establishment in Washington have a strong tendency to commit “suicide” in prison under mysterious circumstances. In the case of John McAfee, his body still has not been released to his family over a year after he allegedly committed suicide in a Spanish prison. Death, real or faked, is good way to end embarrassing investigations.

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Who in washington gave a crap about John mcafee.

McAfee was charged with fraud related to cryptocurrency.

McAfee claimed that the CIA was chasing him. Given his history of involvement in hacking, computer security, cryptocurrency would not be surprising if he had some dealings with the CIA.

Yes and tax evasion. Nobody gave a crap about John mcafee. He also most likely shot his neighbor in the carribean.

He wasn’t a political target of any kind imo and there isn’t any evidence unlike say Epstein where at least the possibility exists.

No one gave a crap about Epstein either. The issue is protecting the politically powerful.

That’s an absolutely ridiculous assertion. His first plea deal alone proves you wrong.

it makes me wonder what kind of deal fhey struck with Giselle or whatever so all their “clients” stay secret

wouldnt you love to know. but the world doesnt work that way. you can pedo all day long as long youre crazy rich and helping screwballs like fetterman and hobbs

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It won’t matter. He was trying to stave off regulation. Won’t matter either.

yes we know some republicans arent much better than democrats

next time maybe include the link. i know someone might read up and challenge your screenshot narrative.

Well, we know why you aren’t willing to put up a link. Prolific my ass in comparison. The Reps that took money should be ashamed and were wrong. But then again, we also know there are some Reps that aren’t much better than Dems.

Bankman-Fried, whose cryptocurrency exchange platform FTX has collapsed in recent weeks, funneled an estimated $262,200 to Republicans throughout the 2021-2022 election cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records. His contributions to Republicans paled in comparison to the nearly $40 million he contributed to Democratic campaigns but still represented a significant sum, compared to most Americans.


There is a reason there was no link.

$262,000 compared to $40 million.