Uh Oh. Democrat Liability Bankman Arrested

I have the right to remain silent.

I do not have the ability to remain silent. (minute 2:22)

Salty Language warning.



The federal investigation and trial will be just like Epstein’s girl pimp. We will hear no details and learn of no one else involved. Federal investigations are there to stop real investigations by the states or anyone else. Especially since he was a massive dem and swamp donor.


yes, the feds there to stop real info from getting out just in time.


What state has jurisdiction over this matter? Thanks in advance.

Police State.



I guess I’m not only one that thinks they don’t want him talking.

I previously wrote how Bankman-Fried was doing harm to his case by speaking in the media and to Congress. So why would the Justice Department move to stop the self-inflicted damage? You have a major target who was about to voluntarily testify for hours.

Once again it seems they weaponized FBI to protect themselves.


There is still a trial…right?

Whoosh…right over your head.


Any state that had a citizen defrauded… Fraud is illegal in all states, right?

And every one of those states can charge him on state charges. You are right. The fed conviction doesn’t supersede a state charge.

Like the gymnast doctor who got convicted on federal and state charges. So go forth.

Can Bankman-Fried testify to congress by video link from prison? His life expectancy in prison awaiting trial is uncertain.


ooh boy. they are shutting him up good

wonder if he’ll wind up on the same island that Epsteins on with their 13 year olds….

So now arresting a guy is “shutting him up”?

Would you prefer he remain free, only to testify in front of an impotent congressional committee?

not “now” it’s always been like that please stop acting dumb

no i would not

i would prefer he not get this far in all his politically tied corruption so he can live like Caligula

but i’m an adult

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Really? What do you think a trial is then? More shutting him up?

Well, that’s a stupid answer. Out here, in reality, it DID happen.

So, what should be done? You are mad he got arrested, you don’t want a congressional hearing… .so what is left?

what happened?

out here in reality, where did all those billions go?

shh dont ask huh

i am? lol

i don’t? where’d i say that?

what i want unlike you and democrats is open exposition to the whole truth

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I dunno. Let’s find out.

That’s a lie.