U.S. Beer Industry Blames Trump Tariffs for 40,000 Job Losses

That could not be farther from the truth. Drunks don’t give a crap about the beer they drink.

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It was a joke samm…a joke

I’m sure you’re right but that is still how a lot of people think.

I’m sure they could successfully package beer in boxes, just as they do wine, if aluminum becomes cost prohibitive.

Me, I’ll just stop by my local watering hole.

Ahh sneaky - well played, sir (or madam), well played.

Seems the Beer Institute has different numbers.

Last year, brewers bought over 36 billion aluminum cans and bottles, and aluminum is the single largest input cost in American beer manufacturing.

A 10 percent tariff on primary aluminum will increase costs to brewers and endanger American jobs. Specifically, we estimate the tariff will:

  • Amount to a $347 million tax on brewers, money that could have been used to invest in good-paying jobs and their businesses.


Exactly. I got 4 of em right now.

Drinking a beer barrel bourbon from a plastic hotel cup after a 6-hour drive!

I call BS on this.

Well damn. I guess you just validated my early post when I called BS. :wink:

NEVER joke about beer. :angry:

That’s what makes it psychological. :stuck_out_tongue:

A good craft beer costs about $1.50 a can/bottle in a liquor store. 2 cents more a can is not going to cut demand. Even if Trump put a 100% tariff on aluminum imports it won’t affect consumption enough to make a difference. And my evidence is that you (and millions of other people) are already willing to pay double (or more) the package store price to drink across the bar.

The figures I cited were from the Beer Institute and were quoted from the link I provided. The fact is, an aluminum beer can costs about ten cents. If no recycled aluminum is used (about 70% of aluminum used in the US is recycled, and thus is incurs no tariff) to make them, the Trump tariff ads a penny a can. A penny a can on a $1-2 item will not affect sales.

Which breed? I have tried some beer barrel Irish, but have yet to find any similarly aged bourbon.

Bits and pieces of the NYT article are from the Beer Institute. If the Beer Institute is your source, you should have no problem with the numbers I gave which are directly from the Beer Institute.

I hear that in Aspen beer flows like wine.

Samsonite…I was way off!

That sounds very similar to what my grandfather told me. He said, if there’s ever a depression again…buy a bar.

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New Holland…out of Michigan

Uh huh

The OP seems to be blissfully unaware of our record low unemployment.

Male, thanks