Tyson Foods closing processing plant in Kansas after other recent facility closures

Tyson Foods announced that another plant will be closing its doors.

On Monday, the food processing company announced that it would close its Emporia, Kansas facility in February 2025.

Over 800 employees of the plant were notified about the closure in a letter. . . .

And in March 2024, Tyson announced it would stop operations at its Perry, Iowa pork-packing plant. The summer closure of the Perry plant was expected to leave 1,276 workers at the city’s largest employer without jobs. . . .
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In 2023, Tyson Foods announced closures of plants in Indiana, Virginia, two in Arkansas and two in Missouri, USA TODAY previously reported. . . .

How can this be?

This article from about 1 year ago may give some insight.


This is the cost of food at home.
Some people will tell you to ignore the green arrow because it’s not very steep.

No matter what you try to ignore food at homeprices are hihg above the black line. (the long term trend)

No idea about anyone else but my wife and I, as well as our extended family are eating far less meat than ever before.

We have not gone vegetarian or anything but just significantly reduced the amount of meat we consume. Though the meat we do buy is now all locally farmed.

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Americans are buying less food-at-home.
It doesn’t look like dangerously low levels or anything,
more like budget-stretched, K-shaped economy stuff.

So laying off Americans and hiring Hatians who their only paying $10/hr! Harris/Bidenomics & Build Back Better at its finest!


I love Tyson frozen chicken wings. Buy them all the time. But why is there a lack of labor? That usually means you’re not paying well.

Good. Less competition for me. :rofl:


Their frozen chicken nuggets are great too.

Yes I’m a simple person lol.

I love meat but as I have got older my tolerance for low quality meat has lessened.


Nothing wrong with that. I may have developed some food snobbery but not above nuking some chicken nuggets.

Got to do more than nuke them though. Spray a little olive oil on them, some sea salt, and then the air fryer. Way better than the nuke method and doesn’t really take any longer to do.

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My wife melted our air fryer :cry:.

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Speaking of food, one of my favorite lines from the Metal Gear Solid games is when Snake finds some Ramen noodles and Eva explains that “it’s a food for the space age, the food of the future.”

Whole time I’m thinking “bro, that is known as food for a broke college student. I’ve been there and done that.”


Oh no. How did she even pull that off?

She left it on the cooker and accidentally turned on the burner. Melted and set the fryer on fire.

The wife has a bad track record - previously melted the siding on a house and set a BBQ on fire!!!

Holy crap. That is nuts.

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Lack of labor?
Or lack of demand as the increasingly-pinched lower 50% can no longer afford the foods they love?

I wonder how often air fryers in LA become smog fryers…