Typical spoiled brats that work in our federal goverment

Yep. It would appear that some are ignorant here to the very cool life outside the big city.:sunglasses:

KC is no Mar-a-Lago, that’s certain. :wink:


Any examples or are you just making this up.

Your dog will love MO. Room to run, maybe chase rabbits etc.

Healthier place for dogs then DC…unless you have French Poodle.

Shhhh. I’ll do what @conan did with my question and just pretend I didn’t see this.

Hmmmmmm…is a BS degree in nursing not count in your world as being educated?

I made myself very clear…if…you can read?

Lol, yeah, not happening in my world.

Hey, hey, hey…a standard poodle is an excellent duck retriever and…they don’t shed. :sunglasses:

They’re all out in the field…say you know nothing about conservatives do you?

I know more than I’d like to about conservatives. :slight_smile:

What does that non-sequitor have to do with anything.

A 10-15% shift in a demographic does not include everyone in the demographic.

Not every government worker has Donald’s sense of selflessness and dedication to the people they serve. Some are only interested in enjoying/enriching themselves and their family members on the taxpayer dime. Fortunately we have a POTUS who never leaves DC, not even the White House, because he works tirelessly to MAGA us all into a new Golden Age.



Why would I want to go there?

When I can live among the coastal snobs?

Kansas City has pros and cons. Great place for steak but haven’t worked there with a brilliant Indian computer scientist, it was a tough town for a vegetarian.

Kansas City is urban. A large city.

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It’s amazing to me that so many liberals are afraid of living in America’s heartland. While it’s probably great to have easy access to other federal agencies for collaboration, the benefits of having this federal agency working out of Kansas City, MO cannot be understated. It’s going to work out fine regardless of how many people’s lives are uprooted or how many people choose to quit. Kind of an added benefit if we can shrink government spending at the same time. Maybe people will learn that working for the government has consequences.

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Why would anyone want to live here? I’ve been here my whole life and asked myself the same question.

The answer is you get used to it. I can’t imagine anyone from anywhere else actually wanting to stay here and by and large they dont. Lots of people here who came from the coast would love to be around the coast east or west. They only came due to circumstances.

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Yeah what the media tells you.

They probably live in Alexandria or in Maryland.

That isn’t an urban hellscape by any stretch.