Two oil tankers aflame in the Gulf of Oman

Supposedly we filmed an Iranian ship coming up to the Japanese ship and retrieving the unexploded mine.

Wonder if the Pentagon will release that film, or will we be expected to just believe it.

The prospect of war to John Bolton is like viagra.

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They say they have video of Iranians removing a unexplored mine from one of tankers that didn’t explode. Same type of mines that was used in earlier attacks.

I want to see that video.


One of our rare moments of agreement…I just posted that a couple posts up.

I remember we’ve always been reasonably similar in our foreign policy.

Main reason I couldn’t vote for Hillary- she would have bombed Iran by now just to show she’s tough.

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You’ve got to give them time to dummy up the video first.


If you expect the video to be doctored before it is released, why would you want to see it? In other words, what would you get from seeing it if you have already concluded that it is fake?

I was skeptical too but it looks legit to me. I’d like to see more before and after footage to see where the boat is coming from and any interactions it may of had but it’s not looking too good for the Iranians

Just for the record, I have reached ANY conclusions regarding this matter yet.

When it comes to foreign policy, Trump is not the only sociopath in the government, plenty from both parties and neither party is inclined to stop the war bandwagon, though both have had chances to do so.

This country has not had a genuinely peace oriented federal government since President Coolidge.

Any number of scenarios for what happened are plausible, including a United States false flag incident.

I will wait and see.

You betcha she would, and if Trump does the same thing then he has just given up one of the only two things I liked on what he campaigned on. The endless wars and clamping down on illegal immigrants. No more wars.

Your first reason is also the same reason that I didn’t vote for Obama in 2012 and simply couldn’t for Hillary in 2016. Tired of living my adult life with war being the norm. And no matter how much I despise Trump I would still vote the same way if I could do it all over again.

I’m sure they’re looking at satellite pictures as we speak seeing where they boat came from and where it gone afterwards.

And it needs to be international effort…they they’re attacking international ships.

If they can’t contribute the weaponry…then cough up the money at least.

And no rebuilding…

You think the offense warrants leveling an entire country?

Very high above the waterline to have been placed by a small boat without being seen.

It should be international in the sense that the whole thing might…MIGHT…have more credibility because it wouldn’t appear to be driven by our warmongering neocons.

Unfortunately the EU has a ■■■■■■■■ of warmongering neocons too, so…

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But would the EU after having to deal with a ton of the fallout from Syria really want to destabilize the region even more and greatly upping the chances of refugee migration onto Europe?

Thank you for bringing reality to that. BZ

Japan bought Iranian oil in defiance of U.S. sanctions. U.S. stopped giving them waiver to do so. Iran invited Japan PM to talk and keep buying their oil. Pompeo says that Iran would choose this moment to bomb tankers on the way to, wait for it, Japan.



They do.

Although the Zimmerman Note brought the US into WWI.

The Lusitania was carrying weapons and supplies though, IIRC.