Two oil tankers aflame in the Gulf of Oman

Remember the Maine!

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Only a complete fool would believe Iran attacked a tanker carrying Japanese cargo…right in the middle of a state visit from the Japanese prime minister. Neocons and warmongers in our government should be hung.


Pompeo disagrees.
It’s wag the dog time!
Everyone ready to send their sons and daughters to fight for fat donald?

Exhibit A regarding my comment above. He and Bolton are at the top of the list. The Ukraine, Syria, and Venezuela regime changes have been shut down. Now they’re targeting Iran. When will the morons in this country wake up?

Not gonna happen. They have the 5th Ave syndrome.

Ukraine regime change? Huh?

What part is confusing? Are you saying this didn’t happen?

I’m wondering why you said Ukraine regime change has been shut down. Ukraine changed it’s government in 2014. What got shut down?

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Iran is desperate. I’m not sure what game they are playing. The Trump sanctions are hitting them hard. Maybe they thought that Trump would sent them a plane load of cash to keep them quiet like Obama did?

Perhaps that is what Iran was counting on.

Pompeo says it is Iran.

First good evidence that it wasn’t.


The entire middle east is desperate…

Desperately rich………. Then there’s Iran.

Yeah, definitely no one else in the Middle East who would love to see a war with Iran… you got me

I agree…hugely suspicious

Especially since Trump was on record as not being on board with attacking Iran but Bolton was.

Something Bolton arranged to force Trump’s hand?


And on top of this, the administration just happened to be ready with a legal justification that the AUMF allows them to go to war without Congressional authority?

They just had this ready to hand?

I remember what I said before the election…Hillary might stumble us into a war…and Trump might stupid us into one.

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Liar Level: Gulf of Tonkin


The problem with having a sociopathic, pathological liar like Trump as president is anything is possible, and the world won’t believe anything he says about it.

Very dangerous.

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I know the buck stops with the President, but this isn’t Trump.

This is all John Bolton.

I will hold Trump responsible for putting Bolton in a position where he could do something like this.

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Yeah. All rich. Those Yemenis and Syrians are always living it up.