Two Foreign-Born Men Who Helped Giuliani on Ukraine Arrested on Campaign-Finance Charges

Now we know how much trump values 1900 troops and a dead wapo journalist

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Rats jumping ship at light speed.

This is not going to end well for Rudy.
Anyone wants to take a guess when America’s mayor will be indicted? I predict within the next 30 days.

Good money he is on the payroll of Firtash.


These fellas were all over the place. :rofl:

The hits just keep on coming.

Nice little back channel.

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The corruption is endless, it seems. One piece of breaking news after another each day. One of my friends in the biz says the workload is incredible with all the ■■■■ going down.


Everything is fine! Move along…I am sure Trump was just joking or something…

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I miss Rudy. Where the hell is he?

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Actually, I was mentioning to my wife today that we haven’t heard from Roger Stone in quite a while. It’s not like Roger to be so quiet.

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Interesting this …

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It’s interesting that Sondland has been given pretty much every opportunity to get the hell out of DC and back to Brussels yet he refuses to go.

I’d guess he’s worried if he doesn’t put himself on record someone else will try to for him.

Of course of course Rudy, who loves to brag he works for Trump for “free”, is collecting checks from a company named Fraud Guarantee.

I guess “Grifter’s Warehouse” was already registered?

Has anyone tried saying his name three times into a mirror?

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Yep, follow the money…

I can’t seem to find any actual clients of “Fraud Guarantee”.

But surely they must have been inundated in big big business to account for all this money they were pumping into Rudy.

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Holy mackerel. Rudy is looking at prison, isn’t he?

Yes. Yes he is. And what is really crazy is that Rudy will end up making Cohen look like the more honorable and upstanding personal attorney for Trump, out of the two. It takes serious effort to make Michael Cohen look like a better choice for personal attorney. :rofl:

The amazing part is that what seems to have caused this is all his bootlickers saying Trump was completely innocent and then exonerated convinced him he actually was. When even they knew they were just lying to cover his ass.