Two American citizen arrested in Saudi Arabia for support woman rights

Why should america be the worlds police?

is this a joke?

Nah not interested, they got into this mess on their own let them figure a way out.

Then why didn’t they sign it? The only signators of the agreement were the 5 permanent council members and Germany. If it was such a good and valid agreement, then why didn’t Iran sign it?

No. How about looking at NATO to do something?

did you feel the same way about the kid who got his brains beat in when detained in north korea?

In other news today is a day that ends with ‘y’.

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Because Iran didn’t need to sign it because they are not part of the UNSC.

The agreement is a dispute settled under the arbitration of the UNSC for Iran violation of the non-proliferation agreement who was sanctioned.

Iran asked to settle the dispute which caused the automatic sanction to be placed, the only people who need to sign off on it are those in the UNSC because they are the only ones who can lift the automatic sanctions.

Iran agreed to submit to UNSC authority when they signed the non-proliferation agreement.

Maybe because they are no fascist and few communist governments left? If your speaking of Saudi Arabia kissing their booty’s started way before Trump. Under Obama we sold them over 117 billion dollars of military equipment, more than any other president. This isn’t some new phenomena.

You seem to think I only dislike Suadis because a Republican is the President,
I dislike Saudi because for the last few decades we have turned out back to their radicalization and funding of terrorism because of oil.

They were brave. It’s people like these that start entire movements at the expense of their own lives.

It’s happened multiple times in our own country.


We should take every opportunity to pressure the Saudis on issues like these. The excuses are wearing thinner every year.

I guess the UN is rubbing off on us.

Silence from them on pretty much everything. Can’t offend the member states.

We lead in situations like this. Or we use to.

Fighting for peoples rights isnt stupid.

See here is how you should have posted.

They are fighting the good fight but they should expect to be detained because of saudi law, but i support their cause…

But no…you did the exact opposite…


In YOUR eyes.

Among the very top priorities of the State Dept. is to ensure humane treatment of imprisoned citizens overseas and if possible, secure their release through diplomatic channels. Only as an advocate, not legal representation or prisoner swaps or any of the spy vs. spy stuff.

YOUR eyes are not the issue here, our foreign policy is. It doesn’t matter that you think stupidity should hurt, and I actually agree with that sentiment up to a point. It doesn’t matter that you don’t view them as US citizens either, from a legal standpoint, they have that standing. Quite simply, you are wrong.

Acting stupid is throwing firecrackers in a cop car while the cop is sitting in there.

Not acting stupid is protesting in the nsme of women having equal rights…

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Was is stupid when Rosa parks did her thing? When black americans sat at lunch counters? When MLK protested the laws of america?

When women took to the streets in america to get teh right to vote? Just a bunch of dumb broads?

Seriously, how could you possibly say that?


See my previous post, it applies here as well.

Thats the wrong hill.