Tulsi Gabbard is coming around to my viewpoint

I see. So democrats weren’t ever defenders of civil liberties and freedoms.

ESP with SCOTUS picks. A real moderate.


Justice Gorsuch is more traditional liberal then Obama two picks.

Kavanaugh is establishment and Barret is Constitutionalist.

Say…are you saying Constitutionalist aren’t moderates?

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She is a democrat. Like you.

Big government democrat. I think not.


Your posts think so.

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If she was a democrat she would not have voted present, she’s a DINO for sure.


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You do know we read your posts over many years…don’t take that as insult. Take it as a compliment.

You do know she had similar positions as those other 2020 Democrats during 2020 primary contenders on healthcare, climate, education, infrastructure, and criminal justice just to name a few things. But she disagreed with foreign policy etc.

But nice try thou in attempting to rewrite history.

She is a woman of principle. A true liberal. If it wasn’t for her gun control nonsense, I could consider her.

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Principles get you nowhere in politics.


Not if you keep voting for the unprincipled ones.

Tulsi wasn’t bitter enough for this election cycle.

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Monopoly laws apply to tech and software as well as oil companies. Microsoft lost its case for excluding other browsers from Windows (albeit after they had destroyed Netscape). Monopoly law is a huge and technical field that I wouldn’t pretend to be an expert in, but definitely it needs to be examined, along with possible remedies.

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Name me the last president with principles.


Well, lets look at the definition of logic:

reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity

Key word being validity.

Many on the right, base much of their ideology, based on conspiracy theories, falsehoods, and emotional hate of libs/libz/liberals. Which lacks validity.

Sadly, they now make up the base of the Republican party.

We see it now, as they are now minimizing the actions on Jan. 6th.

The fringe, is now the majority in the Republican party.


Yes…and libs believe they have mastered reason.

Sorry…that ■■■■ doesn’t work on me. Don’t like it…too bad.

So does the left, including you.

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I never said anyone mastered reason. There are plenty of liberals lacking reason.

It is the denial of science.
It is believing literal fake news (Stop the Steal!)
It is believing 100’s of domestic terrorists invading the Capital, was justified, and was just sending a message.

That has become the Republican base. And it is sad, and dangerous.

No I do not.

Name a conspiracy theory or falsehood I believe.