Tulsi gabbard Calls Out DEMOCRATS For Fundraising Off Impeachment Inquiry

Unfortunately, several factors are at work.

  1. The US is a much larger nation than at the time the constitution was written, and thereby requires a much larger government to keep up with constituents.
  2. Additionally, there have been a lot of agencies and functions over the decades that have been added to the government - some of which go beyond the functions outlined in the constitution.
  3. The party system, which Washington opposed when he was alive, is primed to get the other party involved in oneupsmanship. This factor alone would require some degree of legal expertise to stay one step ahead of the other party.
  4. A whole host of laws have been written over the decades - some of which are very obscure - muddying the water even further.

Having said all of this - I’d say it would be hard to pinpoint a specific time. It has been a slow process that has taken over 200 years to work up to it’s current complexity.

On the positive side, this preoccupation keeps them from doing anything else…

She endorses fat donald’s impeachment but complains that her opponents are using the same impeachment endorsement to their advantage. Freaking moron. :rofl:

It has always been the case, and it is how the job was originally designed.

The Founders were not “average” people.

WAS a federal judge, she is no longer…

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How on earth would you know?

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Gabbard’s whole campaign is really perplexing. She seems to be more critical of Democrats than Trump. Her supporters mostly seem to be internet trolls and bots who say things like “Tulsi is the only Democrat I might consider voting for over Trump.” Not the most reliable base. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if she endorses Trump in the general election.

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It’s almost like she was planted by Trump to run on the Dem side.

It’s almost like she’s a democrat instead of a libidiot. Maybe she’s a real liberal.

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Jill Stein 2.0

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Funny she hasn’t shown her face again this time.

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No, she’s a goofy populist.

And now they all are.

What exactly is it you think politicians do? You must be joking.

russia, russia, russia.


I understand.

You realize you just described the entire field minus Quid Pro Joe, right.

She sounds desperate for relevance.

If the samovar fits, comrade…

Warren isn’t a populist. Neither is Harris, or Buttigieg.