Tucker Carlson: Trump should not have been on the phone with a foreign head of state encouraging another country to investigate his political opponent

You’re absolutely right.

Biden should have chosen a different country for his influence peddling and strong arming.

No he didn’t.

Because Biden didn’t confess to bribing the Ukraine with US tax dollars.

Biden was carrying out official US policy which at the time had widespread support from businesses, other Western governments, NGOs and even a touch of bipartisan support from Congress at home.

Official government policy is not personal corruption.

What he said was bribery, you can twist it around all you want it wont change what he said.

Right - he was prevented from getting him by DoJ policy.

I understand that to you, telling the truth is “twisting”.

Some of us still live in objective reality.

We’ll be here when you’re ready to rejoin us.


I would agree. It’s clearly inappropriate, especially given the time frame. I guess if it just happened you maybe then you might want to look into it? Is it illegal or impeachable?

They got Clinton over a BJ, anything is possible.

Repeated by Hannuty over and over…lol

What’s your point exactly? Yes obviously it would have been much better to not make that request during the same call.

Of course, you folks would have one thing less to freak out completely over if he’d done so.

You keep thinking that because what he said was blackmail.

What peace treaty are you on about?

That wasn’t a peace treaty, it was an agreement to protect Ukraine in exchange for giving up their nukes.

Obama of course crawfished out of it and gave Putin a green light to take what he wanted of Crimea and Ukraine proper.

Three dem senators sent a letter demanding ukraine investigate Trump.

Seems many on the left are very uninformed or just have real short memories…

Biden did it…

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That’s Different.