Tucker Carlson rejects the Metric System and owns the Libs

What will we call Mark Twain?


Maybe if we go to the metric system.

Mellenials will be able to give correct change quickly.

Our money is metric.


Why do you say that?

everyone knows Math was created by the deep state to target Southern American.

We should have went full metric decades ago.

Now we end up in situations like I have selling parts for cars, even parts for my own cars.

I had to buy and install a starter for my Celica years ago. It’s a Japanese car so every nut and bolt is metric.

Now I buy a remanufactured starter from the company I work for (got to love employee discounts). I get home, get my toolset out and get to work. Just a 8mm (for the stator nut), a 10mm (for the battery terminals), and a 13mm for the starter bolts.

I mount the new one on the car and go to tighten up the stator nut; I decided to just use the one that came with the starter. The damn thing is in SAE. I assume that they used a new stator stud and it was threaded in Imperial.

I was pissed. I had to crawl out from under the car, go inside my granddad’s old shop, and dig for an hour to find a wrench that would fit it since I never use imperial tools; every car I have owned has been completely metric so I never saw the need to build up a supply of SAE tools.

I know that is a first world problem but I was really pissed off about it.


To be fair, although metric has been official since before I was born, we still don’t use it for everything here consistently. For example, height and weight are still commonly listed in lbs and feet/inches, and many cooking applications are still in imperial units. So, to paraphrase the interwebz, we are not only bilingual, we are bimensuric.

I can’t think of better indicators of intelligence than attitudes about the metric system and the ability to use it.

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The Tree of Freeberty is watered with the Drool of Idiocy.


But will you know how to spell millennial?


America doesn’t use the metric system because most Americans can’t divide by 10.

Unless it’s families requesting asylum…

Seeing as how a mile is 1,760 yards them Romans must’ve been talking some hella huge steps.

a Roman pace isn’t a single step its the normalized term for the average distance you travel in two step which is about 4 feet.

All construct work in Canada is done in Inches.

Let me point out that in the imperial system there are 16 ounces to the pound and 14 pounds to the stone. Does Carlson know what a stone is? I suspect the answer is no.

Sorry I have more care for my senses; I could only get to 3 minutes in.

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Just in an historical perspective we changed in the early 70s but we still have 18 year old apprentice jockeys referring to the last furlong and we also still use mile rates in our harness racing and horse in hands.

I would agree if you said 10 stone 10 pound instead of 150 pounds.

Abe Simpson is the original Tucker Carlson, hm…

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