Tucker carlson calls AOC a child of privilege. she smacks him down hard

How did she get into Boston College?

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No it isn’t.

I don’t care for this Tucker fellow.

Bad move, tuck.

Good question. AOC went to Boston University - expensive private school and interned for Senator Ted Kennedy.

Bartending. Ha… It makes a good story for politics…

Did she?
Probably the same way she got into (and attended) Boston University - grades/scores/essays/recommendations.
Or are you implying that as the child of priviledge tucker claims she is, daddy paid her way in?


Dance scholarship.


Probably more likely affirmative action.

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Why do you think so?

Can a guy get a sniff?

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Tucker was responding to a tweet by AOC that she deleted.

“You absolutely love to see it,” Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described “democratic socialist,” wrote on Twitter. She was responding to a post which stated: “Oil prices now at ‘negative values,’ meaning oil producers have to pay people to take it off their hands and store it because when demand plunges (like now), that is less expensive for them than building more storage and/or shutting wells down.”

Yeah we already had theme thread on that tweet.

Is this…supposed to be a bad thing?

I was getting more of a Dijon mustard vibe with her being all privileged and stuff.

Because she’s a good dancer.


Or a terrorist fist bump.


FOX…the same people who made fun of her for “only” being a bartender?

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Was that the time he accused the protesters of trying to bash his front door down and with pictures of the door with not a scratch on it?

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AOC gives me the impression of being sharp and smart. The videos I saw on her really gave me that impression. Yet I see trumpsters insulting her and saying that she is dumb. Im I missing something here? Is there a video out there that clearly portrays her as a dumb person as trumpsters paint her to be?

on topic: nicely done by AOC.

Was that a bad thing?

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