Trump's vendetta against Amazon is getting out of control

That could be but does Amazon or other customers have a less expensive alternative? When operating, the goal should be at least…to break even. If it isn’t, then you must break down each component and look to see what needs to be improved, cut or left alone. Raising the rate is definitely something to examine.

You know who else uses the USPS? UPS, Fed Ex, DHL…

Sometimes it is more cost effective to contract it to the USPS, especially for some out of the way deliveries.

Also, are you aware why the USPS is in the red? It is not just because there is less “mail” today.

"Congress has mandated that the postal service pre-pay over the next decade all future expected healthcare and retirement benefits. As an LA Times columnist explains:

Those payments totaled $38 billion through 2011, with further installments of between $5.6 billion and $11.1 billion a year due through 2016. At least $34 billion is still owed, according to the annual report. Conservatives who maintain that the USPS should be operated profitably, like a private business, fail to explain why the service should be burdened with a prepayment mandate that its competitors don’t face."


That’s a great post containing all the stuff people ignore.


That’s the real concern here… That Trump is going after someone who owns a newspaper that is reporting on his activities. He’s trying to infringe the Free Press. That should worry everyone. The Free Press should never be infringed. Never.

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Yup. Conservatives were once concerned with this stuff.

Or they were never conservatives to begin with.

Oh poor little libs. How does it feel to see goverment breathing down your backs.

As long as Bezos donations to your beloved party, his big monopoly is protected.

Not to mention his bad working conditions for low skilled employees. And now Bezos want to move out of Seattle because of head tax that libs have pushed.

Too funny.

Madasheck, the other evening I was listening to Hannitys radio show, and he had a pro trump guest, I didn’t catch his name. But he said freedom of the press has nothing to do with reporters or people in the industry, because of when it was written, the founders were referring to freedom of the PRINTING PRESS. Hannity did not contradict.

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daily, house to house delivery with first class mail being requlated by congress, all spelled out in the constitution, is damn expensive.

the sad thing is, you really believe in this false equivalencies your conservative overlords sell you.

What a shame.

He’s never been a conservative. He’s just run of the mill republican. I’m way more conservative than most these guys.

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Get over yourself here. You libs been defending this tactic as long as I can remember. Using goverment as a weapon against your political enemies or to shake down your adversaries.

Sure you are.

And you believe that.

So sad.

Please cite the example of ‘you libs’ defending the POTUS ordering a department to hurt a US corp.

By justifying everything that your great Messiah done…and corrupt system he implemented. Whether denying it existence or ridiculing conservatives.

old school conservative maybe.

it’s 2018.

you are living in the past

There has been exactly one poster on this and the old forum who has consistently called for, and drooled over the prospect of, “weaponized” government. Only one.

Buy yourself a mirror, Conan.

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So that justifies what Trump wants to do? Why do you agree with Trump on this one?

How does it feel lib?

How does it feel to know that our goverment is double edge sword?

Hush, lib. Go back to adoring your Orange Goblin King.