Trump's Ukrainian scandal

There is no evidence of that.

Mods, please lock this thread. Any post after this is just anticlimactic.

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“No evidence”

The claim that Trump is an unindicted co conspirator is another liberal lie.
Maybe that is clear enough for you.

Donald’s lawyer wrote that check to a porn star without ANY direction from Donald. Your hatred of Donald is showing.

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Yes and cats and dogs will be the only ones allowed to own guns while they sleep with each other. Submit!

Yes there will be a lot of (D)efense.

Oh… the Democrats have been dropping the ball hard.

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Tom Price.

Your turn

So it turns out it’s the libs’ fault that conservatives won’t vote to impeach Trump even if it’s warranted. What a shocker.


Yes. The President is for real named as an unindicted co conspirator in the same case that is sending his former lawyer to jail.

Crying wolf is an idiom for false alarm which is another word for lying! Democrats and the MSM have been lying like rugs since the election and this Ukraine crap is just another in a long list of lies!

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Trumpism in a nutshell.

Conflict of interest laws don’t apply to the President and Vice President, as Trump gleefully pointed out.

Oddly enough, Biden was working against the interests of Burisma. No one seems to acknowledge that.

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Trump supporters complaining about lying politicians? Amazing.

What part, specifically, is a lie?

Donald only lies about inconsequential things to troll libs. I voted for policy not the person. Deep State fake news lib mob media. Orange man bad. Eat your Trump, peas are cool!


Don’t you have to look at the number of people who have come and gone without reason, as a point of the corruption in this administration…especially those who have left on their own accord. I think that is a sign that they do not want to get caught up in that kind of mess; don’t you?

What I find funny is so many right wingers that hated Obama. His policy was right wing through and through, There was not much out of Obama that would be considered left wing. Even Obama-care was a right wing health plan. You know if Obama and Reagan where running vs each other Reagan would have to run as a Democrat because Obama and his WH ran country more right wing than Reagan did. I mean come on what is one thing that Obama was that Reagan was not can’t really see it as not really a black and white issue is it?

It’s a done deal. Get the articles ready and bring them to the senate.

The Democratic Party will do its constitutional duty.



Trump himself says that he mentioned Biden during his call.

Are you saying he is deep state himself.
