Trumps tariff lies. the latest edition

Yep… all distorted by MSM.

That makes no sense. We hear the words the president says. They come out of his mouth. They are lies. That is fact. You just don’t care that he lies. It would be much easier to admit that and move on.

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Distorted? They are all his words. From his mouth. The one connected to his face.

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Was Trump talking about predictions of cumulative future loss of growth due to tarriffs?

Lib politicians use that kind of arithmetic. They refer to reductions in increases as cuts. Maybe Trump learned from the masters. After all … many libs say he is a lib.

Typical knee jerk stupidity from MSM “experts” who have been wrong on everything since 2016.


You dont like the lies the president says just stop listening to them…

Just like a tv show…

Totally the same thing…

Irrefutable logic…

I can’t take credit for the logic. Maybe kudos belong to several others here… for example…

Nope. All really clear then spun by right wing apologists until the cover up became reality for the deluded.

Don’t use my post for nefarious claims…

You can respond to my post separately.

Why create laws preventing homosexuals from being displayed on tv, when you can just change the channel?

So your post and the thought behind it had unintended consequences. Boo hoo. Not my fault. I neither misquoted you nor hid the context and source of your post.

It’s your logic. I used it. Get over it.

Why are you being so nasty?

The president is equivalent to a tv show? :joy:

Are libs trying to create laws to limit our exposure to Trumps lies?

If I change the channel during a trump rally he doesn’t get to sign any legislation until the next season.

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I watch Fox and find that they are fair when reporting news events. But when I look at OANN’s history I find that they have a pretty good history of broadcasting conspiracy theories, many of which were easily debunked.

Um… someone just said I misused their quote for nefarious purposes and you ask me why I’m nasty?

Yes. The “boo hoos” are nasty and unnecessary. You’ve done it in several posts.

:cry: :cry:


You are equating watching a parade on tv with listening to what the president of the united states is saying in that if you dont like what you see/hear ypu should stop warching/listening…

At least i am reminded why trumpers should not be taken seriously so i guess i got something out of this exchange…

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Can you tell me any lie of Trump’s that has hindered you in some way?

What an absurd justification.


What’s a million times zero? Does that help? :sunglasses: