Trumps sister speaks

I said from the beginning that Trump was going to rue the day he became POTUS. He never expected to have the job. And when he got it, he never expected to be put under the microscope like a president is.
If he has been dirty in his business deals and taxes (which I believe he has) he might have well gotten away with it had he not been elected.


In these secret recordings we discover that Donald Trump didn’t even take his tests and isn’t a very smart guy…

…Donald Trump didn’t even have a sled called Rosebud. I’m starting to think he made it up.

He was afraid. He didn’t know what to do. He bragged about it. They told him he was alpha.

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It will be sweet karma to see his businesses and brand ruined.

deepfake! deep state! fake state!

Like *bama’s brother??

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She let him, he’s famous.


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It’s one thing to call your Niece a liar. Now he is going to have to do that to his Sister.

Yes but these two not only shared the same continent but the same household so

Buh buh buh…libz?

All of which proves where there’s a will (that’s disputed) there’s a bitter family.

Nothing new or revealing.

Just a continuation of an on going sibling and family bitterness and snipping over the family patriarch estate distribution. Much of which has already been revealed in Mary Trumps book and articles written about Judge Barry .

You are correct, this is nothing we don’t already know. Trump is an infantile narcissist who has no tether to the truth. His own sister corroborates that.


Or maybe, just maybe, his family knows him better than his worshippers… that he’s just a total ■■■■■■■ without an ounce of character, that any objective observer knew watching him run for office, and even prior to that.


One would think that at some point all of these witnesses attesting to his character would pile up enough to make what we all already know indisputable.

The only thing I can think is that the supporters don’t care.


Nah… its just mass TDS taking hold… :roll_eyes:

Mary is definitely of the same mold as her egotistical brother. You put as much stock into her verbal ramble as you please…cuz that’s all that’s here. She is just a pleasing noise for the left. Enjoy. :sunglasses:

You know this how?

I listened to the evidence presented…and…wait for it…discerned this conclusion. :sunglasses: