Trumps says republicans might not vote in 2022 or 2024 elections

There was no consequential election fraud in 2020. Hence, there is nothing to solve.

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Lol so what does this Cryptic message mean then, nuances aside in layman’s terms.



Can you imagine if Obama or Hillary had said…oh never mind.

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Anyways- while we are waiting for a Trumpsplanation of the meaning of his words, I am reminded of Georgia…

“Trump’s refusal to concede his own race and constant questioning of the electoral system’s integrity sowed confusion that likely dampened Republican turnout.”

When thousands of dimocrats and liberals conspired to advance the phony “russian collusion” narrative for several years, in a naked attempt to disrupt the duly-elected administartion, were they doing that for party or country??


Like that famous phony meeting with junior, manafort and kushner had with Russian operatives held during the campaign to get dirt on hillary.


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Keep peddlin

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Peddling reality to deniers who say oh no the 2020 trump had nothing to do with the Russians.

No siree…


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I’m content to leave you in your self-induced crass ignorance for now. I’ll let Trump play his fish.

Our moron is still better than your moron.


Republicans! Do your part and support your President!


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I don’t know, maybe ask the guy who changes Biden’s diapers & fills his sippy cup?

The left KNOWS a lot of things that isn’t true…

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I don’t know, ask the Brits, French, & other allies about how they feel about the Biden pullout of Afghanistan?

I’ll defer you to Biden’s drooling…

We are censored here. Do you have a problem with that?


He can get deeper response if he makes his base grieve the 2020 election. He has a way of projecting victimhood emotions. It strengthens his folks that protect him.

I guess not voting would Stop the Steal.

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That they kept lying about. Lie after lie after lie. Why lie about it if it was just about Russian adoptions? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Yeah? Then why is it the left is trying to keep any effort to do an actual investigation of it at every turn? They allow only a superficial investigation.

But hey, just spare me the standard response to the above statement, it’s getting old. I know, it’s been investigated completely in every possible way. Pfffffffffffft! I prefer you just go to the fraud thread instead.