Trump's poll rises

Great thread title. I thought we were going to discuss Trump at the Miss America pageant, or something.

Kavanaugh was not attacked. His past was simply brought to light. And it is a disgusting past.

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I thought at first he recovered from erectile dysfunction. But no, heā€™s just ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  the usual crowd.

Unverified and sometimes ludicrous and retracted accusations do not equal ā€œhis pastā€.

Said too often I know, but attribute this to the multi-billion dollar commercialization of partisanship. It is now possible to see intelligent, articulate persuasive ā€˜thinkersā€™ dressed in suits, ties and pantsuits spewing partisan nonsense while getting paid an awful lot of dough. They have skewed public discourse into the worst of all places where many actually believe a myth: the other side is wrong. Always. 100%.

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Sure, nothing. The ship was in philly, Mexico is at our southern border.

Being a good Australian, can you tell me why buck rooā€™s arenā€™t called buckaroos because of your peopleā€™s early affinity to western culture?

And with that, confirm why this has just as much to do with our southern border as your question or this thread for that matter.

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Exactly! The left has literally ripped the country apart and indeed Trump is the response! :boxing_glove: :boxing_glove:

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Yeah, but his actual past does. Stop defending the indefensible bad actors please.

The left forced conservative America to vote for one of the worst human beings in America as President.

Too simple.

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Youā€™re misusing the word ā€œliterally.ā€

The response to Trump should be interesting.

Great Thread title by the way, needed to work a mushroom reference into it though :slight_smile:

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The hero thing is also very interesting to me in the context of the two parties. Heroes seem to me to be a republican thing.

My point in case you missed it was that D Trump opined that the southern border was awash with drugs flowing from Mexico into the USA. Others who were far better informed than D Trump said it was not true and that the entry point for most drugs is not where Trump proposed to build his ā€œwallā€. The uncovered billion dollar cocaine drug haul in Philadelphia speaks to the fact that D Trump was wrong. Hence, his credibility will be negatively impacted and by extension there would be a negative impact on Trumpā€™s poll numbers.

Given that Australiaā€™s indigenous peopleā€™s history in Australia at least 65,000 years please explain what you mean by ā€œyour peopleā€™s early affinity to western cultureā€ ?

And the right ignored 2006 and 2008ā€¦you have a point?

Drink in high school, through for life.

Sweet ass sweet condescension.

Rape a young girl. Yes.

And now we are into the completely unverified assertions.
IF that could have been verified or even credible, he would have been through.

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Nahā€¦polling disagrees with you. 2018 set things back to the norm. Also we have a lot of time left. People will forget about this by next week. Or do you forget that resets happen when we hit the general.