Trump's poll rises

Not credible. Nothing credible about it. It was investigating and found not credible before the ■■■■ Show.

Yes you are.

I know racists feel a lot more comfortable now. They know they are not alone now and that they can even speak out. I guess this is a better place now for them to live.

Yep, sounds right. Republicans do, non-Republicans do not.

Trump is just another cardboard box of fuel in the dumpster fire.

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Kavanaugh is a mini trump when it comes to immoral behavior. Shame that disgrace was put on the court.

There we go. Where did you meet him?

Rasmussen (which Dems will not accept but which should at least show them trends over time) shows that Trump’s low points were in the summer and fall of 2017. He has running steady at around 50/50 of likely voters form many months now. Why doesn’t name calling about “racism” work any more? Because Dems did their big hysterical act about treason and being the Manchurian candidate of Putin early on and it came to nothing.
People aren’t paying attention to their hysteria any more.


The attacks on Kavanaugh were engineered by top Dem Senators. Pizza gate was engineered by a bunch of idiots on the internet.

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The battle now is for the Congress majority.

I did not think this was in play until about a month ago.

Now it looks like a toss-up.


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One could argue chicken or the egg. The better question is who will stop it?

I love how the libs go on and on about the “2018 Massacre Mandate” yet completely ignore 2010.

The Gaggle of Hens is killing them and Pelosi knows it.

The “Justice Democrats” and their puppet masters are very interesting.


Before your very eyes.

No one. It behooves the Ruling Class.

Knew I should have trademarked…

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True and sad. For all his issues, Anwar Sadat put his life on the line (and lost it) by taking a principle stand. We need heroes like that now, who will buck their own party for the sake of unity.

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They were the masters of moderates and pledged a laser like focus on health care.

That is how they got back in by a nudge. I think they have completely forgot the media formula.


GWH as a moderator on this forum I presume you have a reasonable grasp of US geography. Could you please let me know how a border on the USA/Mexico border would have stopped the billion dollar cocaine drug haul recently uncovered in a ship in Philadelphia and whether it would have a negative impact on Trump’s poll given his comments re drugs coming across the USA/Mexico border?

Also, could you please confirm whether Mexico was in any way involved?

The revelation over the last few years hasn’t been Trump’s casual racism. His history shows plenty of that. No, for many it has been how perfectly fine that usual 40-45% of conservative America is with it. How willing they were to go along with each new low he sets for public discourse. How eagerly they lap it up and beg for more.

Obamacare? Isn’t Obamacare redundant? Didn’t Trump replace it with the “Bestest” health scheme known to man?

Didn’t he have one in 2017?