Trumps Newest Arch Foe: Airplanes

Who need technology anyways? Let’s just go back to the days of horses and buggies. I guarantee you we’d need more people driving those horses and buggies to get goods delivered.

(I miss the “banging head” icon from the old forum - it would be perfect here)

How can so many people support such an insufferable moron.

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I wonder if Trump supporters will EVER realize that it’s not LIBRULS who hate Trump, just honest, intelligent, patriotic Americans who hate Trump.


I have tried to explain that to some of them before. As I’ve mentioned several times on the forum - I voted straight republican for the vast majority of my life. It was only in 2016 with the emergence of Trump as the nominee, and me seeing the new direction of the party, that I decided to cut ties with the GOP.

Many of them, of course, choose to ignore that - likely due to the fact that they don’t want to deal with the fact that this new direction of the GOP has alienated many former republican voters like myself.



Unfortunately, we can thank John McCain for this. He put that moron Sarah Palin on the map, which emboldened our most uneducated, anti-science and anti-intellectual segment of the population.

Trump is just v.2.0


Liberals rant about technology all the time. In fact radical liberals want to do away with most technology like fracking and airplanes.

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We already have self driving cars and we’ve had “auto pilot” flying for decades. Nothing will replace a solid and seasoned human pilot like Sullenberger for instance and the miracle he pulled off on the Hudson.

Artificial intelligence will. Robots will surpass us. Then we will be screwed.

Nonsense. That was a simple water landing. Trump could’ve done that himself.

What about his insane rant about airplanes?

The president doesn’t want to do away with airplanes, just the technology that helps make them safer.

brown people haters club

It’s more like when technology fails then we need competent human intervention to take over.

Not for a long long time.

AI is really only proven for two things…image analysis and natural language processing.

Everything else is hype.

I hope not.

Kind of like we have now?

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Why does he choose the path of being an idiot every damn time?


Exactly… he could direct the FAA to look into what the hell Boeing is doing… but instead he gives the opinion of a man who once ran an airline into the ground.


Yeah, really. How difficult would it have been to express sympathy for those affected, and say that he is directing the FAA to conduct investigations into the matter to see how this can be prevented in the future?

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His base loves it, and he’s able to exploit that.


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