Trumps in Kenosha, Wis

So, at what point do you do all the things the “libs” do, just so they get their own medicine, that you are doing everything a lib does and you are a lib?

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Is it that hard for him to say I haven’t contacted them and leave it at that?


Yes he could have. But the story was already out about how Biden and Harris talked to Mom And Dad for almost a hour. And that had to get under Trump’s skin. So he simply couldn’t use a throw-away line.

I wouldn’t really classify YouTube as “social media”, but rather a video-sharing platform. But perhaps I am splitting hairs. Google had a social media platform named Google+, but as is the case with so many things Google, they screwed it up and lost out to the Zuck.

Nope…thats a vid sharing site. Twitter and Facebook are social media.

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You’re splitting hairs, If you use any google apps you can share information with others.

Do you think anyone who has a business or lives in that area might want the Federal government to help?

And if not, I say you are on your own.

So he didn’t do anything insane?

Until we own them and drink their tears in a mug sold by a patriot who recognizes some Americans don’t deserve an opinion. :crazy_face:

I’m sorry, Conan.

I don’t agree with promising to help business rebuild.

They are a product of what they voted for.

That is going to be a long and very convoluted threat to unravel.

A few underlings will be found but the leadership is counting on Biden to win.

Silly argument that has been proven an erroneous premise over and over over the years. Yawn.

It’s the same logic being displayed in the post to which I responded.

Do some of you never read through the entire thread of a discussion?

Your post, my response to it.

No, it fits. If we are going to punish one for misuse of the product, it’s only fair to punish the other.

You getting a taste of that?

If the citizens want federal help, they can always band together to put pressure on the mayor and / or governor to request it. That’s the beauty of having local officials take the lead. They have to live with their constituents on a day to day basis. If they go against the will of their constituents, there will be hell to pay.

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So, what is your solution?

I think it ends when you kill your own dog and realize it’s your own fault and not the libs.