Trumps in Kenosha, Wis

If that’s what you want to call taxing a online companies for the violence, more power to you.

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disingenuous question, People tend to deflect or use whataboutism when caught in an untenable position.

It’s a given that twitter, google, facebook (social media) etc are promoting the violence by allowing the rioters to use their platform for planning/organizing/recruiting and propaganda dissemination. While their behavior is morally wrong, it hasn’t crossed the line into unethical (yet). The real question is do you want to just censure them or do you want to make them legally responsible? If you go the latter route you’re going to play hell with the First Amendment

Have Anitifa or BLM been declared a terrorist group by the United States government?

But Biden is delivering pizzas CNN.
“Junk Food”

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  1. A majority of the anarchists do not live in Kenosha.
  2. The “out of towners” that are getting arrested reportedly are getting their travel and legal expenses paid by others.
    Of course they object to rebuilding Kenosha, unless they’re locked up for good and their financial resources dry up they’ll have nothing to show for their lunacy and lawlessness!

President Trump is leaving. Abandoning the curds again.


Libs have logic? When did that happen??? :thinking:


If I were a business owner i would fly the coop to a friendlier location.
One that the dems don’t control.

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From the link:

“The president announced $1 million to Kenosha law enforcement “so you have extra money to go out and do what you have to do.” He also announced $4 million to support local businesses affected by the violence, and $42 million to support public safety statewide – including support for law enforcement and prosecutors.”

Thanks for the cash!

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Clearly freedom of speech and association was a fad that out lived its usefulness for some people.

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Thanks for the millions of $$$!

Well, we don’t like to tax corporations, so thank you taxpayers!

More free money from the Trump stash. It’s a great day in Wisconsin. :money_mouth_face:

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Yes. Ya got a problem with that lib?


What does that have to with whether you censure social media for promoting the behavior of those groups?

Earlier today, Kayleigh McEnany said that the President has unsuccessfully reached out to Jacob Blake’s family. When asked about Blake during a Monday press conference, Trump said that he had spoken with the family’s pastor.

The President said during the presser, “They wanted to have lawyers involved and I thought that was inappropriate so I didn’t do that. But I did speak with the pastor of the family.”

Jacob Blake’s father was asked about Trump’s comments while appearing on CNN. We don’t have a family pastor,” he replied. “I don’t know who he talked to.”

McEnany said during a Monday morning Fox News interview, “We are efforting outreach, have not been able to connect yet.”

The lawyer for Jacob Blake, Benjamin Crump, said that the White House’s claim was simply untrue. He told MSNBC, “My office has received no calls to set up any kind of meeting.”

Like I have always said, these guys could mess up a two car parade.


Google isn’t social media…

Taxing the rich. Welcome to my tribe, Conan. :wink:


So you support taxing the ■■■■ out of Google, Facebook and Twitter to pay for damage they cause.

Glad we agree.